‘Cutting garden’ subject of garden club meeting
Learn about “The Cutting Garden” when the Pocono Garden Club meets at 1 p.m. Sept. 11 at the Monroe County Conservation District, located at 8050 Running Valley Road in Bartonsville.
The program will be presented by master gardener Mindy Ando.
Participation is encouraged in the monthly design exhibit, titled “Capturing Autumn.” This topiary design may include seasonal materials such as seed pods, nuts, pine cones, etc. Use silk or fresh fall flowers. No accessory permitted.
The horticultural entry would be a dahlia, any color, in a clear container. The houseplant entry would be a potted herb.
Please bring in your entries 30 minutes before the start of the meeting.
Everyone interested in gardening is welcome to attend.
For more information, contact co-vice presidents Joan Gregorio at joanieg103@aol.com or Sandy Goddeyne at sandyg1478@yahoo.com. You may also visit the Pocono Garden Club on Facebook.