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‘Darth Vader’ of the Middle East eliminated by Trump’s bold action

Published January 06. 2020 11:54AM

During the 2012 presidential campaign, Vice President Joe Biden repeatedly sounded a mantra that “Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive.”

The media eagerly spread this slogan that hyped Barack Obama’s presidency.

“Celebrations broke out as news spread of Osama bin Laden’s death,” CBS declared. “In New York City, crowds chanted and cheered through the night.”

Unfortunately, the assassination of that terrorist murderer was one of the last times Americans showed some semblance of unity. We hoped that last week’s takeout of General Qassem Suleimani, one of the highest-ranking officials in Iran’s government, would have also been applauded by Democrats and the media and provide a unifying moment in America … at least for a day.

But the partisan divide is too vast and too deep. For Democrats and the mainstream media to admit that Donald Trump’s order to eliminate a global murderer like Suleimani would be asking too much from left.

Prominent Democrats bidding for the Democratic nomination for 2020 agreed that Suleimani was a murderous terrorist but they stopped short of crediting Trump’s decisive action in approving the attack.

Unconscionable comments were made by radicals like Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, one of the liberal “squad” of Democratic freshmen who is critical of every action the president makes, and Colin Kaepernick, the disgraced NFL quarterback who is best known for taking a knee during the national anthem.

Kaepernick used the drone strike to accuse the U.S. of targeting minorities at home and abroad.

“There is nothing new about American terrorist attacks against black and brown people for the expansion of American imperialism,” he tweeted.

Omar tweeted that she and her fellow Democrats are outraged that President Trump assassinated Suleimani — who she referred to as “a foreign official” — without telling Congress. She also suggested that Trump needed a distraction and therefore ordered the strike because of his impeachment.

Omar’s “squad” mate Rashida Tlaib labeled Trump a “lawless president” and that his move “recklessly moves us closer to yet another unnecessary war.”

In reality, Trump did not declare war on Iran or anyone else. He authorized a strike after the trashing of the Iraq embassy in Baghdad and the intelligence that more attacks were planned.

As the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force, Soleimani was key to the global network and declared a terrorist by the U.S. In a statement announcing the death, the Defense Department said that Suleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more.

General David Petraeus, who headed U.S. forces in Iraq, called Suleimani “a diabolically evil human being” while an American diplomat referred to him as the “Darth Vader of contemporary Middle Eastern politics.”

Republicans lawmakers quickly backed the president’s bold action to eliminate the evil mastermind.

Sen. Lindsey Graham tweeted that the operation signaled a major blow to Iranian regime, calling Suleimani “one of the most ruthless and vicious members of the Ayatollah’s regime who had American blood on his hands.”

Despite the Democrats’ expressed alarm about the attack fueling a new Middle East conflict, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated that the U.S. remains committed to de-escalation. He warned Iran, however, of a “decisive” response if U.S. interests are harmed in Iraq.

The media and the public should care less about the reactions from “squad” members like Reps. Omar and Tlaib or from a person like Kaepernick. In order to remain relevant, they depend on the press to air their outrageous comments which are always anti-Trump and often anti-American.

Instead, the focus should be on real experts like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, America’s greatest ally in the region who can offer real advice and intelligence.

Following last week’s attack, Netanyahu called the takeout of Suleimani a justified act of self-defense, adding that Israel stands with the United States in its just struggle for peace, security and self-defense and that Trump should be credited for “acting swiftly, forcefully and decisively.”

By Jim Zbick |

Congress authorized the use of force on bin Laden. Congress did not authorize the use of force on Suleimani or Iran. Suleimani is a ranking official of a sovereign country therefore this was a political assassination against international law. The assassination of Suleimani is an escalation of a conflict, bin laden’s apprehension was supported internationally. Get a clue Zbick
I thought you deployed?
Well, thank God you weren't in Kermana. I see your stampeding compatriots killed and injured hundreds of funeral attendees. Glad to see you weren't one of them. Sorry your shepherd was killed. May General Soleimani find his just peace in...
As I and the majority of American Patriots see things, Soleimani and his Quds killed hundreds of Americans and wounded thousands more. This confirmed by the Pentagon.
But I realize your allegiance lines up with the Anti Zionist, Radical Twelver's of the Shiite Regime in Iran.
"He who treads the path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise."
Even as an enemy of my country... You crack me up "Joe"

Mike Meyers
Walnutport, PA
Stop with partisan dyadic arguments. No one who questions this air strike is supportive of Soleimani. That argument is a distraction from what should be a serious examination of policy. Don’t make everything a personal attack, it’s not Christian.

Soleimani was replaced already and I’m sure he isn’t pro USA. At the end of the day this strike accomplished nothing but alienation of the US among our allies, a disintegration of the work (and blood) we have poured in to Iraq, a resumption of nuke building by Iran, and more Americans in peril.

Iran wants the US out of Iraq and this air strike will assure this happens in the worst possible way. I too want the US presence out of Iraq but not in a way that merely hands the country to Iran. Trump has made a mess of the policy in that region by tearing up an effective treaty and military operations without a plan or objective. We have an administration that keeps putting out contradictory plans. Nobody knows what they are doing. Dangerous times.
Provide proof that the removal of this "Darth Vader" caused alienation of our allies.
A full week has gone by.
Did you agree with the Obama/Kerry Iran Deal?
Show proof that the Iranian People adored and had love for the General (Darth Vader).
A week later, you've had time to process it all.
Right Mike, The Conservatives, the Republicans and the Evilgelicals are the only Patriots in this Country. You are special, own God's Moral Authority and are better than the rest of Americans.
Better wear a larger Cross around your neck to let the public know who you are.
Israel our greatest ally in the region? Tell me Jim, how many troops did Israel commit to the Iraq war and the war on terror? That’s a big fat zero. They take and take from America but unwilling to commit troops toward a mutual good. If they thought it was such a great idea why didn’t Israel take out the general long ago?

Meanwhile every ally that did send troops and fight next to us are against this action.
* The U.S. is committed to de-escalation - Where did Americans hear that before Zbick.
- Trump pulled out of the Obama Iran Nuclear Deal which included United Kingdom, France, Russia, Germany, European Union, and China.
- Jan 5th Iran decided to suspend the Deal - Uranium here we come.
- Trumps order for the killing will have far reaching and unintended consequences that his aging brain probably didn't think about.
- Is the U.S. going to fight the War with Iran on Iraq's Territory or maybe Saudia Arabia will be host to the U.S....duh....will Saudi Arabs take the brunt.
- Will NATO Coalition forces go home.
- Soleimani has already aimed thousands of Missiles at U.S. Embassies, Middle East Shipping Lanes, Persian Gulf, Saudi Oil Fields and Israeli Cities. Will oil prices go up.
- The U.S. has other threats from Russia, China and North Korea
- Could Mr. T's friend Mr. Putin stands to gain from this Middle East Tension.
- Can't wait to hear what the Republicans/Gas Lighters will have to say after their King is booted out.

The administration is a total dumpster fire. We are not pulling out of Iraq. Yes we are. No we’re not. Hey here’s an idea, let’s place sanctions on them!

Most dangerous presidency ever. No plan. No goals. No accountability. Making it up as he goes along.
Joe, People don't believe that the educated are moving towards the D's. I belong to a think-tank group with highly educated people (much higher than me) and they are all for the D Party- surprised me.
Dear Confused Girl,
Those "Highly Educated" elites you jump in the tank with are wrong. The "D's" have become citizens who hate their country. We the people realize that you hate America, and are now destroying America.
You and wrong way Joe continually land on the wrong side of history because of where you stand.
So much for that "Education".
Mike- Like I said before one does not need a formal college education to have a thinking brain. Some people actually read. Only arrogant, self centered men would tell a woman what she is. Oh I forgot you are Superior, you have a Penis, that brain that Women should worship. You appear to live in a very narrow world. That cracks me up.
What do you know? Just shut up and watch for a change. Just watch and pray that God's will be done.
It's not about you "Joe".
What I know is that the administration cannot articulate a plan. They are saying they are “waiting to see Iran’s next move”. We are leaving Iraq, no we are staying. We are planning to bomb civilians and cultural sites. No we aren’t.

Gods will will be done when we learn to cut out this tribal nonsense I hear too often, including in most of your posts. I am guilty at time too but I own it and try to do better. Casting the majority of the nation as unAmerican just because they disagree with a president is tribal, divisive and counterproductive. I try to engage you in discussion but you always take the approach of attacking me instead of constructing an argument. I know you get frustrated when I challenge you to back up assertions with evidence but that's no reason to go after me personally. If we clean up our interactions maybe God will be in this
There is hatred against Trump. The Globe against Trump!
Other presidents did similar things, if not worse, and the world said nothing, but if Trump does anything, there is push back and finger pointing. Obama drops cluster bomb that kills a seventeen year old Citizen of the US... nothing said beyond, "Collateral Damage".
Get going Joe.
I think Obama, Bushes, Clinton and Reagan all over-stepped with use of military. I do not support those acts and was critical then. The ACLU sued Obama over the event you reference in your post...hard to say that nobody cared. It should also be noted that the 8 year old sister of the 17 year old killed was later killed herself in a Trump ordered raid. But lets not use Obama as the measuring stick...I was under the impression trump was supposed to be better than Obama

Trump is overstepping but he is more dangerous because his administration lacks any plan or accountability. He is also talking like a taliban terrorist with his threats against cultural sites and civilians.
Good post Joe.
Just don't sit around waiting for this administration to share with the world what their military plan is.
The commander will effectively and swiftly use the technology we own. These curry sucking twelvers won't know what hit them. They're used to having cash delivered on pallets, Trump got a better plan. Keep in mind, this war was started back in the 70's.
No it started in 1953 when the US orchestrated a coup that pushed out the democratically elected prime minister for a dictator. The ethnic insults you are hurling at Iranians are disgusting, cut it out.
GOD - OK Mike lets talk about what some of the early men had to say about that.
1. July 17, 1757 - Ben Franklin when in a hairy situation. Light houses are more useful than Church's.
2. March 21, 1801 - What Jefferson said to Joseph Priestley...Christianity is the most perverted system that even......
3. April 19, 1817 - John Adams to Jefferson - This would be the best of all possible worlds if there was no Religion in it.
Sounds like they wanted separation of Church and State.
Wow Adopted you and Mike are so good at explaining your interpretation on what commenters have said. Forget your readers?
The founders? Ha Ha Ha, now you sound like that nit wit old hag... Nasty Nancy Pelosi!
Tell me C-G, does she appear to be at peace? She's aging fast, and for what? She's miserable. Is she what you'd call good representation for woman?
* Quantum -Iran has advanced high precision Missiles (S-200) 1200 miles or more... and advanced bomb making. Surprise that they shared them with proxy groups.
U.S. Allies have declined to support T's order to kill Soleimani.
Putin met with B. Assad on Tuesday and Assad thanked Russia for Military support.
Putin also met with his Military people in Damascus (Syria for non readers)
Britain says the only winner of the killing will be the Islamic
State and other Militants.
Gee and the only Airline threat I thought we had was the New Boeing 737 Super Max.
You being a woman C-G, I ask you to take a look at ABC's Chief Global Affairs Correspondent Martha Raddatz. You probably saw her over-the-top sympathy piece for these terrorists who hate our country. Raddatz was adorned in a hijab while hyping the “mourners” “paying tribute” to a “revered” American-killer. Think about this Country Girl. This American Woman wore a head covering, because she's nothing but a lowly woman. You seem to advocate for woma's rights, yet you sympathize with these Iranians? In Iran, a woman’s existence and identity is justified only by a man’s integrity, and in many cases religious authority or government officials influence a man’s sense of ownership over women, yet you and Martha Raddatz join in and support it. She wore that hijab like it was nothing. Move over there C-G, you too could secretly dress as a man to avoid the compulsory hijab and the morality police. And you have the gull to talk about the founders and seperation of church and state in the US? Cut me a break! Did Rachel even explain why she wore that? NO!
Did Rachel report that married woman cannot leave the country without her husband's permission.
A woman's witness is not even half that of a man (the one with a penis).
Polygamy for males only (up to 4 wives).
Honor killings, a father can kill daughter with no repercussion.
Look up Reyhanneh Jabbari she was hanged... she stabbed her rapist.
Women and girls have no protection among the men in Iran.
You know, it didn't used to be that way, but the new regime, the one John Kerry and Barack Obama supported, make the quality of life for woman horrible. Hillary yucked it up with these Mullahs too!
Think for yourself Country Girl, and thank God you live in America. Stop hating America and her President. These bastards have hated Americans from way back during the Carter Administration.
This hate isn't new. They love to war. Again, try thinking for yourself, turn off the news and think...
I stopped reading after you accused me of sympathizing with terrorists and Iran. I love how you twist commenters words. Why don't you actually read respected journals and follow people that actually cover our world.
Edit add on: Regarding God and Christianity. Hear this. Christians follow the teachings of Jesus. I have LIVED doing that my whole life. You and Mike should stop with your superior, holier than thou preaching. It gets sickening.
You stopped reading? You're proving my point! You only take in that what tickles your ears. You tune into the propaganda of the elite news media, only because they feed your addiction to outrage.
You need to think for yourself.
Oh... in my eyes, you and Joe show your true color through your posts, and those colors aren't RED, WHITE, and BLUE!
You post as if you are a Girl of another Country. Wake the hell up!
I can see both of you only watch Faux News. I flipped back and forth last night.
Completely different versions. I noticed this past year the best informed people do not go on Faux network anymore. Hannity's show again, aggressive stance, cutting down the Democrats, they are the only Patriots etc. CNN had on the best FBI, CIA and Military people expressing their former experience opinions and Journalists that actually live in the Middle East. What Tickles my ears is the TRUTH from the best informed people. Did you get that Very Large Cross yet.
Have you noticed... viewership at CNN is in the tank because of what they do in the way of news.
It's because of folks like CNN, that we live in a post TRUTH Nation. You, like Pilate, wouldn't know truth if it stood before you and spoke.
Don't poke fun at the cross, for that is what delivered the truth so you can be saved.
Truth? What is truth?
CNN just settled a $275M lawsuit with Nicolas Sandmann. You don't mean to tell me you still tune in to that irresponsible rag! They tried to destroy that young man... no retraction. Scum
Why do you attack the cross? Why can't you and Joe respect peoples faith?
I respect Christian faith, not your faith. Your faith is one where its ok to lie, call names and use racial and ethnic slurs. There is nothing to respect there. And you make it an issue of discussion yourself by constantly using it as some type of weapon in debate. If you do not want others to judge, keep your faith out of political discussions

Who cares about CNN!!! You are trying to fight a larger cultural war in which the mainstream media is a boogeyman but it has no bearing on the issues at hand. If you don't like CNN, don't watch it.

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