2 found guilty in theft from Lehigh Anthracite Coal Company property
Two Berwick men arrested by Coaldale Police March 14, 2018, will serve three to 23 months at Schuylkill County Prison on charges of theft by unlawful taking, in connection with Lehigh Anthracite Coal Company property, in a sentence by Judge Charles Miller on May 20.
Anthony J. Leming, 49, and Michal D. Powell, 52, were arrested while taking electric wires from a coal company building near Third and Lehigh streets, Coaldale. An employee saw a truck parked at the building and investigated. The two fled in the truck, driving deeper into coal company property, but were caught a short time later.
Earlier this month, Leming entered a general plea of guilty on charges of defiant trespass/fenced, criminal conspiracy, theft by unlawful taking, criminal mischief, use/possession of drug paraphernalia and intentional possession of a controlled substance by a person not registered.
Powell entered a general plea of nolo contendere on all counts, which include theft by unlawful taking, criminal mischief, defiant trespass/fence, criminal conspiracy, defiant trespass/posted and use/possession of drug paraphernalia. Powell faced similar charges of trespass and theft in 2015 and paid $35,269 restitution; that case is closed. The two are ordered to pay $3,000 in restitution for the Coaldale case.