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20 magicians

Published September 14. 2019 06:46AM

I watched the Democratic debates on June 26-27 with the hope of seeing and hearing something positive from the 20 candidates. It did not take long to realize my hope would be smashed as I watched one candidate after another turn into a magician.

The pretense of trying to act American to secure votes using sleight of tongue disguising concern for America and humanity as they threw Americans and American values in the MIA category was obvious.

I listened to one candidate degrade Christians and Christian values, another candidate embraced open borders defying American law, and of coarse the tired refrain of white racism, which spilled over to attacking the ex-vice president on a 59-year-old policy on busing. His insufficient explanation was grounds for every left-wing, overpaid political TV pundit to throw him under the bus.

The 20 magicians were mighty in their attempt to disappear the accomplishments of President Trump. They incredulously highlighted a photo of father and daughter drowned at a river’s edge as proof of Trump’s failure on immigration.

They magically deceived to disguise the Democratic role in racism as proven by history; but more pertinent is the Democratic Party’s resounding failure to engage solutions to fix the border crisis. The Democratic magicians play a major role in loss of life, child trafficking, rape and prostitution; preferring those ugly realities versus solving the border crisis. Why? Because solving the crisis would lead to an avalanche victory for Trump in 2020.

Magicians can twist balloons into animal facsimiles and give them away free. The unconscionable free gifts of college tuition, health care for all, get out of jail cards for felons, and open borders for everyone is the impossible dream.

Receiving free balloons from magicians is fun, but the consequences of free “everything” from 20 progressive magicians is more deadly and serious.

In fairness, I support the courageous stance of Tulsi Gabbard as she alone spoke out against the industrial military machine. Likewise, I support Bernie Sanders’ effort to narrow the wealth gap between the haves and have nots; but until both Republicans and Democrats are stopped from RECEIVING FREE GIFTS from lobbyists, the movie ending will not change.

Question: what politician on stage did not receive financial aid from a large political agenda source? I suspect the answer is none. If only the magicians of both parties could make large contributions from lobbyists disappear. We can only hope!

Terrence Watto



What Jesus would do? The Bible can help you understand that. He wouldn't approve killing babies in the mother's womb, and would certainly not approve of the mother killing the baby after the baby is born. The Bible pretty clearly affirms that God/Jesus is not opposed to building walls for protection either. On taxes... gulp... Jesus said render on to Ceaser, what is Ceaser's. Jesus wouldn't b throwing food stamps and welfare to able bodied people either.
Please cite the verse where Jesus affirms building walls along the border of a country
You would have to be a Trinitarian believer in the writings of the bible for you to understand. If you are a "Sunday School Teacher", perhaps you'd have seen this already. Check it out. Be a wall builder too!
Wise up Joe! You can be as dumb as you want to be on here. Maintaining border security would certainly be beneficial to admitted that earlier. Jesus may or may not be familiar with “Defensive perimeter security procedures and analysis manuals.”
With respect mam... if 95% of Americans support abortion, that doesn't make it right. You appear to be a sexist, because there are many gun toting woman. As for control of her body? Well that little one being killed inside the womb has a 50% chance of being a female. I am a supporter of all life (males and females), even the unborn ones. I'm the voice for the baby fighting to maintain control of their tiny body as the doctor of death cuts them up in the womb. Yeah, I've got compassion, how about you Country Girl? As for the dire need for abortion? Not my business, but the abortion industry has turned it in to a money maker. They promote killing babies as a form of birth control. The abortion industry sells killing babies as a normal thing for a woman to do. They promote abortion. Planned Parenthood sells the body parts to make even more money. Come on Country Girl, you can't be serious.
Who is the murder, CG? An NRA member with an AR-15 at a range, or, a Doctor with a scalpel at a Planned Parenthood Clinic? Life is precious. Millions of women support Trump. Trump Rallies are crowded with happy women holding signs that read, Trump 2020! Women are capable of making the right choices, CG. “Access” you say, CG, is murder!
Come on CG. Only,...”uneducated self centered people do not understand...” how people should be allowed to kill precious babies on a whim. “Right wing radio...” should be shut down to stop telling the truth about the cruelty involved in the abortion industry that murders precious children by the millions. Scientific facts need to be suppressed when it comes to abortion. Recent findings about lives beginning in just a few days after conception need to be overlooked. Leading scientists all have to be in line when fake climate change is discussed, however, scientists that use modern technology to see the miracle of life emerge need to be suppressed. How is this? Life is precious. Now don’t have a temper tantrum and get mad and remove your post like you always do. Let what you say stand CG. You appear to have a volatile temper. You can dish it out, but, you can not take it. You hate men for some reason. Keep it up.

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