PV Elementary names students of the month
The Panther Valley Elementary School has announced the recipients of the Student of the Month Awards for November 2009.
Certificates of Achievement were presented in each classroom, grades 1-5. As well as the certificates, each student also received a Super Kid Magnet, a Student of the Month bumper sticker and a meal coupon from McDonald's. Students realize that it is a very special achievement and strive to achieve this recognition.
November's Students of the Month are: Grade One: Victoria Young, Riley Wehr, Jason Lin, Antonio Perilli, Shelfy Hill, Lorelei Rydzewski, Gage Breiner. Grade Two: Kayla Paules, Deana Founds, Kyla Knittle, Charles Byers, Meghan Boyle, Rebecca Miller, Katrina Horbath. Grade Three: Emilee Kwaak, Tia Thomas, Connor Adams, Kylia Scheitrum, Aaron Miller, Kyle Rusnak, Samantha Jones. Grade Four: Megan Belford, Jacob Snyder, Sarah Markovich, Tonia Whitaker, Elizabeth McDermott, Marie Nase. Grade Five: Christopher Santore, LeAnn Labenburg, Noah Norkunas, Edward Dunn, Jenny Lin. Miss Forbes' room: Vincent Klager