More than 38,000 adults, young and old, from Carbon County are eligible to vote in Tuesday's general election.
If only half of them show up at the polls, it will be considered a tremendous turnout.
Sad, isn't it that so many people don't take advantage of their right to vote. They don't think enough about who becomes elected to lead us through these difficult times.
It isn't the candidates' fault that everyone doesn't come out and polls. This election we have a heated, much advertised race to seat a third judge in Carbon County's court. Both candidates have come out with both barrels blazing, blitzing the county with campaign messages as to why they are the best candidate.
But it isn't only a new judge we'll be electing. Many communities have races for council, school board, mayor, state judgeship, people who will have a direct effect on every citizen. These are the people who eventually decide on how much you will be paying in taxes, how much police protection your community will have, and how your children will be educated.
It's a huge responsibility, and all candidates much be commended for their public concern, because the financial rewards are almost non-existant. These people run for these offices because they want to serve, they want to make their communities and their school districts better.
The least the rest of us can do is go out tomorrow and support the candidates' we think will do the best job. It only takes a few minutes. Pull yourself away from the television for a little while, or leave for work 10 minutes early and cast your ballot in the morning. The polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m., plenty of time for everyone, on any schedule, to make themselves available to make their choices.
Last year's presidential election brought out large numbers of voters, and for good reason. We were selecting a leader of our country to bring us through some of the most difficult economic times we ever experienced. We are also engaged in a war against terrorism on two fronts, in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But in some ways, Tuesday's local elections are even more important to us. The decisions our locally elected officials will make will have a more direct impact on our lives.
So go out and vote. You have no excuse. A lot could be riding on Tuesday's election. Make sure you are a part of it.
And if you don't choose to cast your ballot, you have no reason to complain if whoever is elected doesn't make the decisions you think should be made.
Bob Urban