Summit Hill News
Summit Hill
St. Paul Lutheran
The schedule for St. Paul Lutheran Church, Summit Hill, for Sunday, Nov. 8, is as follows: Sunday school, 9 a.m.; and service of worship, 10:30 a.m.
The church council will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 7 p.m. in the church.
Parishioners will conduct a fall cleanup around the church on Saturday, Nov. 14, beginning at 9 a.m. Help is needed to do chores to clean up around the outside of the church property. Persons interested in helping can call Bob Breiner or just show up on the work day.
The W.E.L.C.A./Auxiliary meeting that had been scheduled for this past week has been changed to Monday, Nov. 9, at 11 a.m. in the church. This will be a business meeting. No luncheon is planned.
League to meet
The Summit Hill-Nesquehoning Little League will hold its monthly meeting on Sunday, Nov. 8, at 6 p.m. in the Summit Hill Borough Building. This meeting is for all families to attend. Election of new board members for the 2010 season, registration, and other important items will need to be addressed.
Boy Scouts
Summit Hill Boy Scout Troop 743 has changed the day of its weekly meetings. The Scouts meet on Sundays at 6 p.m. at the former St. Paul United Church of Christ, Summit Hill. For more information, contact Scoutmaster Dave Vidzicki, (570) 645-2510.
Presbyterian Church
The Hope of Christ Presbyterian Church, formerly the First Presbyterian Church of the Panther Valley, Summit Hill, has resumed its regular worship service schedule. It is as follows: Sunday school and adult Bible study, 9 a.m.; and worship service, 10:30 a.m. Communion will be celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.
Shade Tree plans
The Summit Hill Shade Tree Commission will be conducting the fall planting on the streets of the borough on the last weekend in October. This is the 10th year the commission has been restoring and maintaining the trees in the community.
Orders for new trees will be placed in mid-October. Any business or homeowner interested in participating in the program can call Lou Vermillion, (570) 645-9772, or John Kupec, 645-9964, for more information.
Catholic Sokols
The Slovak Catholic Sokols will host a business meeting/dinner at the Lansford AMVETS Post on Sunday, Nov. 8. The day will begin with a Mass at 10:30 a.m. at St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church, Lansford, followed by the meeting at noon at the post and the dinner. There is no charge to attend.