Wit and wisdom
Dear Editor:
I am amazed on how our founding fathers had wisdom to see the future and the effect that our current Democratic president and his controlled house have on the population of our country. I refer to Poor Richard's Almanac written by no other than Ben Franklin. This unique piece of prose was written close to 275 years ago. As you read his quotes look behind the scenes as I did to capture the Whit and Wisdom of Mr. Franklin and how it absolutely fits our current politicians in Congress.
* There are many witty whose brains cannot fill their bellies. [Benjamin Franklin].
* Politicians who are wrapped up in themselves make small packages.
* Halfwits talk much but say little. [Chicken Neck Nancy Pelosi].
* Fish and visitors [politicians] stink after three days.
* Good lawyers make bad neighbors [especially if you live next door to the White House].
* Pride dines on vanity sups on contempt.
* Great spenders are bad lenders; [Obama and trillion dollar debt].
* Half the truth is often a great lie [Universal Health Care].
* Many foxes grow gray but few grow good. [Yes Bill you].
* Silence is not always a sign of wisdom but babbling is ever a folly.
* With out justice courage is weak.
* He that cannot obey cannot command. [Tim G.].
* Beware of spending; a leak will sink a big boat.
Thanks Mr. Franklin
[Modified] From the penof Ken Treger,