Panther Valley news
The Panther Valley High School JROTC meeting will be held on Nov. 18 at 6 p.m. All are cordially invited.
PV senior center
Fran Craigie, manager of the Panther Valley Senior Center, has announced the November schedule for the center.
Nov. 9 is lottery bingo at 11 a.m.; on Nov. 10 is the Veterans Day program at 11 a.m. Nov. 11 the center will be closed for Veterans Day; Nov. 12 blood pressures will be taken from 10:30-11:30 a.m.; and Nov. 13 the center is closed so that everyone can go to the casino at 9:30 a.m.
On Nov. 16 there will be horse racing at 11 a.m.; on Nov. 17 is line dancing in the morning; on Nov. 18 there will be a speaker, Bernadette Krajcirik on Nursefinders at 11 a.m.; on Nov. 19 birthdays will be celebrated and bingo will be played at 11 a.m.; and Nov. 20 is shopping on the CCCT at 9:30 a.m.
On Nov. 23 there will be a Thanksgiving celebration at 11 a.m.; Nov. 24 there will be line dancing in the morning; Nov. 25 everyone will play Scattergories; on Nov. 26 the center is closed for Thanksgiving; and on Nov. 27 the center is closed as well.
On Nov. 30 it's pay bingo time at 11 a.m.
Please remember to sign in or call by 10 a.m. for the next day's meal.
Christmas karaoke
The Meed's Memorial Methodist Church invites everyone to join them in an evening of Christmas karaoke at the church. The event takes place on Friday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m.
Come and enjoy the "no fee" admission to a fun-filled evening. For more information contact Bertha at (484) 464-5016.
VFW auxiliary
The Ladies Auxiliary to VFW Post 8008 will meet tonight at 6:30 p.m. at the post home. President Cathy Sommers will preside at the session.
District 20 President Karen Bandzi will be present to inspect the auxiliary. All members attending are requested to bring a dessert item. Following the meeting, a social hour will be held.
All those planning to attend the annual Christmas party on Dec. 8 at Lengyel's Restaurant at 6 p.m. should contact Maureen Hirochek at (570) 669-9578 as soon as possible. Deadline for reservations is Dec. 1.