Its time to give thanks for all we have
Dear Editor:
At this time, I would like to say to all troops that are deployed overseas, or stationed at home, "Happy Thanksgiving!" for all they are doing for freedom. I hope the government is making sure that they are getting a good Thanksgiving meal. They all deserve the best just like they would get if they were back in the states.
I hope the President of the United States makes the right decision not to send any more troops to those countries. Bring all the troops home for good. Let the countries take care of themselves just like before.
This country is pretty messed up right know. But there are things to be thankful for. We have to be thankful we have freedom, liberty and justice. We are a country that stays together for it's people. I sure hope we grow stronger because of the recession. We have to be thankful that we have the right people in congress and senate that care about the United States people. Be thankful that we have a president that is trying to fix the mess of past years. I think he's doing a real good job in eleven months in office.
Be thankful we have the right to vote, decide what we eat and when to sleep, etc... Be thankful we have the right to religion of our choice. We should be thankful we have food pantries that help people with some free food. Thanks again!!!
Thanksgiving is before Christmas so why do the Americans forget about the holiday. That's not right! This is the time to give thanks for all we have. The department stores are doing the same thing. I know they are worried about money, but "that's not everything."
It's about families, that come together to "give thanks" that they're alive. Well some families do that and some families don't do that! All they do is fight with each other about stupid things.
Happy Thanksgiving all American people.
John F. Schaeffer Sr.
128 W. Hazard St., Apt. 5,
Summit Hill, Pa. 18250