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Panther Valley news

Published November 23. 2009 05:00PM

Panther Creek Valley Foundation

The annual meeting of the Panther Creek Valley Foundation in Lansford will be held at the Mine Museum on Wednesday, Dec. 2. Election of officers will be held at that time. Regular monthly business will also be held on upcoming "Miner's Heritage Festival, picnics, Boy Scout jamboree and the second annual "Haunted Mine Tour."

Also to be discussed are ways of getting the message out to families that are selling their homes, or new people moving into the Panther Valley about stuff they think not important.So much mining stuff such as mementos of the mining area, pictures of mines, or breakers or the valley itself are being discarded, when attics or cellars are cleaned out and sent to the land fills.

For more information about the organization's up coming events, or if you have any artifacts pictures etc., please contact David Kuchta, president, at (570) 645 -7074. These things should be preserved for posterity.


AMVETS Post 83

Robert Siesputowski, commander of AMVETS Post 83 in Lansford, reminds all members that annual dues are due by the end of this month to ensure members get their 2010 membership cards.

All dues should be mailed to AMVETS Post 83, 201 W. Ridge St., Lansford, PA 18232.

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