At W. Penn's request, township approves TAR for 537 plan
Walker Township supervisors approved a TAR (Task Action Report) for a 537 Plan at the request of West Penn Township officials at their meeting last night. According to Clayton Bubeck, the engineer representing West Penn Township, the previous work that had been done by the two townships is eligible for reimbursement by DEP, however, the TAR needs to be signed by both parties.
Bubeck also explained that the previous work that had been done by another engineering firm to develop a sewage treatment and collection plan in West Penn Township that would be utilized by Walker Township to handle sewage from the Reynolds/Clamtown area was determined to be financially unfeasible. "We're going to utilize that plan as much as we can," he said, "We'll do some rework and some alternatives." According to Bubeck, the original plan could have run in the neighborhood of $19 million.
Bubeck explained that the previous TAR had been submitted to DEP, however, did not get administrative approval. "We've had to revise the plan. There have been no additional costs to Walker Township," he said. "Once we get concurrence, we can get DEP approval and move forward," he said.
Walker Township supervisor Randall Bensinger questioned why the approval was needed from Walker, when it was determined that Walker Township would only be a bulk customer of West Penn Township. Supervisor Craig Wagner also clarified that Walker Township was only involved as far as the Clamtown area was concerned. Bubeck explained that the approval was required because Walker Township is named as a partner in the plan. "What West Penn will do will not affect you at all," he said. Bubeck also explained that it is in Walker Township's best interests to keep the price as low as possible. "The more money they save, the cheaper it will be for you," he said.
The 537 plan is still in its earliest stages. According to Bubeck, West Penn may not be ready to submit the plan for administrative approval until Spring, 2010. After that, it could take several months for DEP to technically approve it as well. Officials noted that they still are not sure what the details of the plan will be.
In other business, Ttownship engineer, David Horst, of Alfred Benesch, noted that construction will begin on the Wildcat recreation area next week. Supervisors also passed an ordinance regulating outdoor solid fuel burners. A budget meeting has been set for October 19th, at 7:30pm.