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Chestnuthill column

Published October 06. 2009 05:00PM

Lions Club

The Western Pocono Lions Club is grateful to donations received on White Cane Day, which will be used for sight-related programs, whether Leader Dog, Beacon Lodge, Northeast Eye Bank, Monroe County Council of the Blind, VIABL, Sight and Hearing Conservation, or whatever entity the club decides.

The collection will continue this coming weekend at various sites in the West End.

The use of the white cane reportedly began in the 1930s when a Lion noticed a blind person using a dark-colored cane and realized it was hard to see. The Lion's Club painted the cane white to increase its visibility to oncoming motorists and it has been used by sight-impaired persons ever since. In 1931, the Lion's Club International began a national program promoting the use of white canes for persons who are blind.

Each donor is given a small replica of the white cane as thank you for making a donation and as a reminder of the gift of sight.

Arlene Mullery, president of the Western Pocono Lioness Club, reports that the club's annual fashion show held at The Stroudsmoor was a great success. The funds realized from the event will be used to support many worthwhile charities this coming year.

Boot Camp

On Aug. 30, BrianLee Everett left for Marine Boot Camp. Friends wishing to send him mail may do so at: Ret Everett, BrianLee E. Plt 20862nd Bn. Golf Co, P.O. Box 16245, Parris Island, SC 29905-6245.

National 4-H Week

This week, from Oct. 4 -10, is National 4-H Week. For more information about 4-H in Monroe County call the Cooperative Extension office at (570) 421-6430 and ask for Sherri Abbruzzi, 4-H educator.

PV School Board

The Pleasant Valley School District Board of Education will meet at 8 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 8, at the district office in Brodheadsville.

Diapers needed

The Pregnancy Resource Center of the Poconos has a need for diapers in all sizes. Anyone who has unneeded diapers or who would be able to purchase a package can call the PRC at (570) 424-0373 to make drop-off arrangements. The PRC is located at 115 N. 8th Street in Stroudsburg.

Site change

The Chestnuthill Senior Center has moved to the Fellowship Hall at Zion Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville.

Chestnuthill PTO

The Chestnuthill School PTO will meet at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 13.

West End Rotary

The West End Rotary Club will welcome Robert Phillips, Thursday, Oct. 8 to give an update on the Greater Pocono Chamber of Commerce at its 7:30 a.m. weekly meeting at the Western Pocono Community Library, Pilgrim's Way, Brodheadsville. Visitors and new members are welcome.

Seniors' flu shots

For information for seniors about getting a flu shot call (570) 420-3746. Clinics are scheduled for this area from 9 a.m. to noon, at Zion Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville; 10 a.m. to noon on Oct. 14 at the Chestnuthill Senior Center; and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday, Oct. 16, at the West End Senior Fair at the West End Fairgrounds in Gilbert.

Senior Fair

The West End Senior Fair will be held at the West End Fairgrounds in Gilbert. In addition to flu shots, there will be health screenings, information on state and local services and light refreshments. It is being co-hosted by Representatives John Siptroth and Mike Carroll.

Double sorrow

The church family of Effort UMC has experienced a double loss recently. This past Sunday a celebration of life was held for the late Rev. Gerald Miller, a former guidance counselor at Pleasant Valley High School. This coming Sunday, a memorial service will be held for Ethel King of Effort.

Both impacted many lives at the church and in the community. Condolences to the church family and the respective families of the deceased.

Special celebrations

Celebrating birthdays this week are: Gene Dowches, Gina Bellis, Sarah Johnson, Ashanti Johnson, Ariana Cox, Oct. 6; Susan Shaw, Rich Pierson, Susan Shupp, Robin Caruso, Bobby Snyder, Meghan Grant, Oct. 7; Dolores Juris, Rachel Hazen, Tyler Horton, Tyler VanDerheyden, Oct. 9; Carla Smith, Timothy Biery, Brett Churchill, Oct. 10; Richard Schellman, Debra Bishop, Haley Toth, Oct. 11, Bill Hoffman, Jennifer Zorn, Kyle Baumann, Tiona Ackerman, Megan Wasdyke, Rachel Gower, Oct. 12; and Cindy Cameron, Paul Jago, Brittany Bailey, Corynne Bailey, Matthew Fehr, Oct. 13.

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