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Support group: Fibromyalgia

Published October 06. 2009 05:00PM

The Hazleton Fibromyalgia Support Group will hold its monthly meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7, at Faith United Church of Christ, Hazleton.

People are needed to work at the group's table Oct. 10-11 during the Community Carnival at the Laurel Mall. Free pencils and candy will be given out to the public.

They will auction off two tricky tray baskets at the event. One will have an Italian theme and the other a "feel good" theme. Donations are being accepted for both.

The group meets the first Wednesday of each month and is open to anyone with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or similar chronic illness. Friends and relatives are welcome.

The Hazleton Fibromyalgia Support Group is now on Facebook, as well as at:

For information, call Carol Vilcko at (570) 788-7363, Debbie Mainiero at 454-2821, Alice Powell at 788-3847, Stacy Morris at 403-6063 or Michelle Hrino at 708-0917.

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