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Christ UCC celebrates Old Time Worship

  • 20091009-224041-pic-551988623.jpg
    SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Taking part in Christ United Church of Christ's 200th anniversary, were from left, the Rev. Claude Schach (Daniel Boone), the Rev. Janet Kline, pastor of the church; and Wayne Grube, representing old time preacher.
Published October 10. 2009 09:00AM

Christ United Church of Christ, Rush Township, continued its 200th anniversary celebration with an "Old Time Worship" service recently.

Because of inclement weather, the service which had been planned to be held outdoors with the exception of the "preacher and his wife" coming on horse and buggy had to be moved indoors. Except for the weather, everything else went perfectly and everyone had a wonderful time.

The service was conducted by the "honorable Rev. Wayne Grube" a member of the church consistory and caretaker of the church, who was dressed in traditional old time garb.

The "pastor" wondered where everyone had their horse and buggies tied and "criticized" many of the women who were dressed like men by having slacks on.

The church choir also dressed in the time period of 200 years ago and sang the hand clapping song, "Give Me that Old Time Religion.

Many members of the church were dressed in bonnets and long dresses and the men of the church consistory were dressed in white shirts with black trousers, black suspenders and long black bow ties.

The offering was taken by using the "glingel sechel" or ringing bags. These bags were designed and made by Wayne Grube and his mother, Ruth, after the original red painted rod which was about 15 feet long with a black silk bag and a bell attached to one end, and passed around the church.

The U.C.C. Southeast Conference Minister, Dr. Russell Mitman from Collegeville, presented the minister of the church, the Rev. Janet Kline and consistory president A. David Zeplin, with a plaque recognizing the church's anniversary.

The Rev. Claude Schach, U.C.C. minister of Hegins Valley Charge, came dressed in the traditional garb of Daniel Boone carrying his gun, "Betsy." Boone gave a very entertaining talk to the congregation.

The service concluded with the Rev. Kline, dressed in a black blouse, skirt and shawl that was over 100 years old, and a black and white bonnet, saying that the church, the country and the role of women have come far in 200 years and now it is up to the present congregation to continue to "let light and love of Jesus Christ shine in them and through them."

Following the service, everyone enjoyed a period of fellowship in the church social hall.

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