Jury rules against Lehighton driver
A two-car accident he was involved in proved to be very costly for Christopher L. Lilly, of 2935 Church Hill Road, Lehighton, after a Schuylkill County Court jury ruled he was the negligent party.
David McMahon, 312 Beury's Road, Ashland, was awarded $204,367.22 in damages. The jury verdict found Lilly was negligent and was a factual cause of any harm suffered by McMahon.
Judge Charles M. Miller presided over the trial.
The law suit arose after a car motor vehicle accident on Sept. 20, 2004, on River Road, Schuylkill Haven Borough in Schuylkill County. McMahon was traveling north on the road and Lilly on the opposite lane when the two vehicles side-swiped each other.
Each driver claimed the other had crossed the center line. State Trooper William J. Luckenbill established the accident occurred on McMahon's side of the road. McMahon claimed injuries to his left knee, neck, head, back and internal injuries.