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The truth will prevail . . . .

Published October 10. 2009 09:00AM

Dear Editor:

At this time I would like to thank the people of Jim Thorpe along with a lot of other people from surrounding boroughs who had been standing behind me from day 1 since March 2008 when I was suspended then ultimately terminated from my position as patrolman from the Jim Thorpe police department after 8-plus- years of dedicated service to that community. But due to some personal vendetta's against myself and some political moves by some people, this issue is far from being over.

A lot of people have been emailing me and calling wondering what is going on with my case, and if the case is still pending, and my answer to all that is interested, OH ! YES most definitely, it's still pending and that we are finally (FINALLY) at the state level with the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania. We believe that some people were hoping that it would not have gotten to this level and that I would have just walked away, but why would I? I did absolutely nothing wrong and some certain people know that. But the truth will prevail.

The latest issue was back in August of this year, I had requested some certain records from the borough concerning my case and from some certain borough councilmen. I completed a records request form according to their policy, and then I was denied from the borough that they felt since we are in litigation, they had the right to turn me down with obtaining these records. I then appealed to the States Open Records Division in Harrisburg. And WON MY CASE and the third time now with the state, the first two was concerning my unemployment and WON both times there also. I was then granted 4 out of 6 records that I had requested from the beginning. Not bad for being just a regular joe public guy.( you, as in the public can get on the internet and check, this is PUBLIC RECORD in the states open records law and website at Click on Final Determinations then scroll down to find my case. You'll be surprised on what you find.)

Now, all of a sudden I get notified from the borough of Jim Thorpe, that NOW they don't have these records or can not find these records. (So, why did they turn me down in the first place?) if they didn't have these records. Hmmmmm ....

Councilman Melber claims he never had a folder marked "CRIMINAL" during our meetings in 2008. I saw it, my attorney, and so did others who were there. Mr. Melber and some others can deny all they want, but once again the TRUTH will prevail. Plus, there is one other record, I personally put in the computer back in 2005 and had a copy made of this record when it happened, and NOW they can't find it in the system???? Hmmmmm once again..... where did it go? Possibly deleted???? WE WILL SEE !

I handled the police computer ALERT system for 8-plus-years for our department and also did our monthly and yearly UCR's (uniform crime reporting for the state) reports so the borough could get thousands of dollars each year through liquid fuels and other funding just by completing the UCR's, and also made disc copies for each year on file encase of ever having loss of computer software, then we would have files saved. The state was notified of this also, and is currently being checked and reviewed by them.

So, to all of my friends and just to the taxpayers of Jim Thorpe who want to know the status of my case, this is far, far, wayyyyy far from being over, and again and again, to let you all know, THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL.

Todd Leslie

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