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Community leaders to be honored at chamber of commerce program

Published October 12. 2009 05:00PM

In celebration of "Chamber of Commerce Month," Carbon County Chamber of Commerce invites everyone to attend the Annual Dinner and Awards Presentation on Monday, Oct. 26 at Penn's Peak, 325 Maury Road, Jim Thorpe. Cocktail hour is 5:30 p.m. and dinner is at 6:30 p.m.

The theme is 'We help to make the Carbon County area a better place to live, learn, work, and play." It takes many people throughout the area working together to help accomplish this goal. During this one evening a year, the CCCC takes time to thank and honor community leaders who help create a better world by starting right here in their own backyard.

Regional Councils of CCCC will thank local community leaders by presenting them with awards of recognition. CCCC will also be presenting a special award. This is one way the Chamber of Commerce "gives back" to those who give so much of their time and talents.

For ticket information, contact the CCCC office at (610) 379-5000 or mail@ Reservation required by Oct. 19.

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