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Summit Hill News

Published October 15. 2009 05:00PM


Food pantry

The Lansford Food Pantry will be held on Oct. 19 at St. Katherine of Drexel's Church gymnasium from 9:30-11 a.m.

The pantry is a nonprofit organization that serves the residents of Lansford on the third Monday of every month.

Anyone wishing to make a monetary or food donation may contact Betty Pearson at (570) 645-3416 or Beth Dailey (570) 657-7234.

Summit Hill

Methodist Charge

The schedule for the Coaldale/Summit Hill United Methodist Charge for Sunday, Oct. 18, is as follows:

Worship services will be held at 9 a.m. in the Summit Hill United Methodist Church and at 11 a.m. in the Coaldale United Methodist Church. The Rev. Burgess Gordon, pastor, will officiate at both services.

The adult Sunday school will meet at 9:45 a.m. in the Coaldale church.

The children's Sunday school has been discontinued.

Summit Hill Lions

The Summit Hill Lions Club members will participate in an upcoming meeting to be hosted by the Tamaqua Lions Club and the Tamaqua Rotary Club on Tuesday, Nov. 10, at the Tamaqua Elks Club. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m., followed by the dinner at 6 o'clock, which is being provided free of charge by the St. Luke's Miners Memorial Hospital.

The program for the evening includes: main speaker, Eric Mika, Certified Elder Law Attorney (estates, wills, bequests); Micah Gursky (How and why philanthropy is making a difference at Miners Memorial); and the Salvation Army Planned Giving Committee (guaranteed income, tax benefits, community service).

Lighting of graves

St. Joseph Catholic Church, Summit Hill, has announced plans for its annual Lighting of the Graves observance for All Souls and All Saints days. The ceremony serves to remind church members and friends of those who have passed away.

On Saturday, Oct. 31, the lighting of the luminaries at the parish's White Bear cemetery will take place after the 4 p.m. Mass.

On Sunday, Nov. 1, the lighting will take place at 6 p.m. at the parish's Summit Hill cemetery.

The preparation of the luminaries will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 28, beginning at 6 p.m. in the church hall.

St. Paul Lutheran

St. Paul Lutheran Church, Summit Hill, will observe its 160th anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 18, with a special service at 10:30 a.m. Bishop Samuel Zeiser will deliver the sermon for the day.

The Rev. John F. Hazel Jr., pastor, will be away from Oct. 19-25. Parishioners needing assistance are asked to call Pastors Keiter, (570) 645-8541, during this time.

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