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Fall season a favorite

Published October 17. 2009 09:00AM

Pennsylvania is gorgeous this time of year.

Spring, summer and yes, even winter, has its beauty but the fall season is my favorite.

It was thirty-eight years ago this week that I arrived in Pennsylvania for

the first time.

My mother and I flew from my home state of South Dakota into Allentown's ABE Airport to spend two weeks with my future husband and to meet his family.

I remember how breathtakingly beautiful the scenery was on our ride from the airport to Palmerton.

The Appalachian Mountain range was in full autumn glory and I had never seen such a kaleidoscope of bright reds, brilliant yellows and orange foliage before.

Yes, the Midwest has its autumn colors too.

There are acres upon acres of yellow and brown corn stocks.

Shelterbelts of Cottonwoods and Chinese Elms with their yellows and orange leaves bring out the colors along the county side.

In my eyes you just can't beat the fall in Pennsylvania.

Every year I look forward to nature's colorful hurrah before winter sets in.

This season is my favorite for other reasons, too.

I like it because the gardening is done. The vegetables have produced their lots and we have enjoyed it all. I'm glad for the fact that I don't have to think about pulling weeds or watering in my spare time.

I love the Indian summer.

Hmmm, surprised that someone hasn't tried to change that to be more politically correct with something like Native American Warming Days in Fall.

Indian Summer is a spell of warm, quiet, hazy weather after a frost, which is usually in October or November.

The term "Indian Summer" dates back to the 18th century.

No one is quite sure as to how this weather pattern got the name but the one most popular belief is it derived from the Native Americans.

Tribes in the mid-west were the first to recognize that this happened every year.

Folklore says this was a gift from God to the Indians so they could finish up the harvesting of their crops and to do more hunting to prepare for the arrival of winter.

Another explanation is that in some context the word "Indian" is used to mean false, so it would mean a false summer.

No matter how it originated I consider it a day to go out, take a walk, smell the air and enjoy the day as much as I can as it reminds me winter is not far off.

Yes, and what would the fall be without baseball playoffs and the World Series?

Ok, I'll admit I am a closet Minnesota Twins fan living with a family full of New York Yankee fans.

Growing up in South Dakota, being a Twin's fan is part of my roots. My first memories of the team is with my dad listening to the games being announced from a small, one speaker, plastic radio in the barn while the milking chores were being done.

How about that? A real "Twinkies" fan right here in the heart of Palmerton!

Well, I am back in the closet now and cheering on the Yankees.

The best thing about October is also knowing that Thanksgiving is next month.

Thanksgiving is the holiday I look forward to the most all year long.

Christmas is lovely but it can be filled with stress.

Thanksgiving is a day to share a good meal with family and friends with no rush and no hassle.

It is a time for turkey, filling and pumpkin pie.

It is a time to relax and be thankful for all of our blessings.

Fall is a great time of the year.

No matter what your favorites are, go out and enjoy them to the fullest in this most beautiful time of the year.

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