Eldred column
St. Matthew's UCC
Sunday School begins at St. Matthew's UCC on Sunday, Sept. 13 at 10:30 a.m. with Rally Day. There are Sunday School classes for all ages including adults. Everyone is invited.
Confirmation begins
Confirmation classes begin on Sunday, Sept. 13 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Matthew's UCC. If you are in seventh grade or above and would like to be confirmed in the United Church of Christ, please attend or call (610) 381-2442.
Condolences to Patti and Stephanie Oliveri on the loss of Stephen Oliveri, who died Aug. 21.
Happy Birthday
Please wish these neighbors a very happy birthday this week: Sept. 8-Ryan Blowars, Deanna Brotzman; Sept. 9-Kaila Palermo, Karrie Palermo; Sept. 10-Rachel Kresge; Sept. 11-Sherwood Smith, Beth Thompson; Sept. 12-Lisa Borger, Jean Gower; Sept. 13-Janet Borger.