Zoning ordinance hearing receives few comments
A hearing was held for the revised zoning ordinance before the Tuesday East Penn supervisors' meeting..
Solicitor Jim Nanovic said the ordinance with its amendments was being re-enacted. The only change has to do with nonconforming use.
Resident Joe Ehritz said the ordinance served the township well for many years with few changes and should for another 10 to 15 years. There were no other comments.
During the meeting it was voted to advertise the ordinance with a view to adopting it in October.
Resident Terry Terray said she was forced to the side of the road in West Bowmans and hit a horrendous pothole. It was marked in pink paint, but after she hit it the word "pothole" with an arrow were added.
Auditor Kim Nothstein said bills are being paid late with additional charges. That will be taken into account when the new audit is done.
Resident Susan Rhoads-Procina asked why she had to hook into the sewer line behind her house which is 150 feet instead of the 50 feet that would be required in front. One of the people working on the line said residents had been called and given a choice but she had not been contacted.
Nanovic said it was up to the engineer, Hanover. Secretary Mary Ann Leavitt will call first thing in the morning and then let her know.
Terray said Jim Birdsall of Hanover wanted to put a manhole in her yard. She preferred it in the driveway but is seeing some that stick up. It would have to be flush with the ground.
Carl Grauvogel, along with some other residents of Northside Heights Estates, said he lives near one of the homes that was supposed to be torn down according to Duane Schleicher's plan for Northside Heights. He said it would be in Dec., then April, then May and now his latest date of Sept. 1 has passed. There is black matter running out that smells like raw sewage and rodents come out of the crawl space.
A couple with a baby and son are living in the house.
Supervisor Randy Pfeiffer said he has been after the board to take action. When Grauvogel said he was getting half truths, Pfeiffer said they were outright lies. He said the project should have been completed long ago.
Leavitt will call Sean Corey, the sewage enforcement officer. Grauvogel provided pictures.
Nanovic said the supervisors have to take action against Schleicher because he's in violation of his own agreement. Hanover will be engaged to do a walk-through inspection at Schleicher's cost.
Resident Don Steigerwalt asked if the township could stockpile some of the excess dirt from digging the sewer lines so residents can use it to fill septic tanks. Supervisor Corey Smith said the township can stockpile it if it files an erosion and sedimentation plan.
Resident Frank Beckett asked what permits were needed for a geo-thermal system. Leavitt said she talked to Sean Corey who told her a UCC permit was necessary. Beckett asked her to put it in writing and send it to him along with why a permit is required.
The attorney general's office would be happy to hear about the complaints about Schleicher, said Ehritz. "He (Schleicher) ignores their (mobile home park residents) problems and health situation," he said.
Now that the roof of the social hall has been fixed and no longer leaks, Corey Smith will get a price for replacing the ceiling tiles.
Treasurer Nate Scherer will pay the fire company's bill at Kovatch within three days, provide documentation to Nanovic about a January insurance claim that was not paid, provide accounts payable to supervisors on a weekly schedule and on a monthly schedule for time records and provide a monthly report on the line of credit. The PennVest grant has not paid anything because of the state budget problems.
Michael Bench wanted to know if a disc golf course can be added to Riverview Park. One is already underway, and he will be put in touch with the group doing it.
The Lehigh Asphalt-Charles Messina land development plan granted an extension of time until Dec. 8.
Nancy Carlson still has not taken steps to secure a foundation on Thomas Jefferson Road. Nanovic will write a letter saying it has to be secured. She wanted only to put a fence on the road side, but the deck has to be replaced or the basement should be filled in.
The prison work crew will be available in October and possibly November. They do not receive pay but must have lunch provided.
Supervisor Gary Kuehner said the road department wants to buy a Ford F-550 dump truck with plow and spreader. The cost is $60,000. To purchase it on a state contract it has to be ordered before Nov. 30. It was tabled until October.
Supervisor William Schwab was appointed to the local tax collection committee.
An ordinance will be advertised permitting the fire company to be reimbursed for materials used fighting a fire. When an ordinance is in place insurance companies will pay the cost.
Schwab resigned from the recreation board and Julie Ziegenfuss and Norm Smith were appointed.
Trick or treat will be held Wednesday, Oct. 28, 6 to 8 p.m.