Volunteers needed to help clean up Lehigh river access area in Lehighton
In response to the Sept. 11 "National Day of Service and Remembrance", Dorian Roffe-Hammond from the Lehighton office of the Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor, is organizing a local clean up for the town of Lehighton, where he lives and works. Dorian is an Americorps VISTA Volunteer who is serving a one-year term working with the Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor on an initiative called the "Anthracite Heritage Alliance".
Adjacent to the bypass area in Lehighton there is an access road near Dunbar Beverages leading back to the Lehigh River. The "hidden gem" at the end of the dirt road is an area commonly referred to by residents as "the beach" area. This wide strip of sand and rocks is a favorite spot for some people to access the beautiful Lehigh River here in Lehighton. It is also a popular river access point for white water rafters and kayakers.
This access road is an area of the community which should be cleaned up and improved to create an important link between the downtown business district and the river for all to enjoy.
As a step in that direction, Dorian has taken the initiative to organize a community cleanup of this access area this weekend. He hopes to be able to cleanup litter, debris and other unsightly stuff along the road to make it more attractive and safe for all residents and visitors to the Lehighton area to enjoy.
The Lehighton Rotary Club has already offered to help with this project.
If you or your organization are available to help out for a few hours this Saturday Sept. 12, beginning at 9 a.m., contact Dorian at (610) 377-4063 or e-mail at dorian@delawareandlehigh.org.
Refreshments and snacks will be provided.