'Kick For a Cause' will benefit Dream Come True
Mountain Karate Academy is hosting "Kick For a Cause," to benefit Dream Come True, Blue Ridge Chapter.
The event, a full fledged kick-a-thon featuring students at Mountain Karate Academy, will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26 at Wal-Mart, Lehighton.
Students at Mountain Karate Academy will present a variety of kicks for a 50 cents a kick donation with the proceeds to benefit Dream Come True, Blue Ridge Chapter, which fulfills dreams of seriously, chronically and terminally ill children in Carbon County and surrounding communities.
For additional information about the event, call Mountain Karate Academy at (610) 377-0323.
For information about Dream Come True, or to donate, volunteer or refer a child, please call (610) 826-4080.