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Marian students receivePJAS state awards

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Published October 05. 2009 02:55PM

Sister Bernard Agnes, IHM, principal, at Marian Catholic, announced three students received awards at the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science State Competition held at Penn State, University Park. Robert Valente, Marian Catholic science teacher, and Lorraine Piehota, retired Bishop Hafey science instructor, were sponsors. Chaperones were Christine LaMonica and Michael Bugda. The award recipients included, Stephen Valente, 9th grade, son of Robert and Michele Valente, Sugarloaf, who received the Dr. Karl R. Orelein $50 cash Outstanding Junior High Award, a Perfect Score from all judges, and a first place state presentation award for his chemistry project; Victoria Vetter, 9th grade, daughter of Harry and Dawn Vetter, Hazleton, received a $50 cash regional award sponsored by PJAS Region 3, and a first place state presentation award for her botany project; and Kimberly Wilson, 9th grade, daughter of Anthony and Milissa Wilson, Beaver Meadows, first place state presentation award for her chemistry project.

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