'Doctor's Penn's Peak radio show soon coming to Blue Ridge Cable TV
Layne Roberts, known as "The Doctor" on Penn's Peak Radio's "9-1 Office Party Live," said 25 years ago, while working as a disc jockey at an AM station, he came up with an idea of having his radio program broadcast live on television.
"They said it wouldn't work," he recalls.
Now he has a chance to prove the nay sayers wrong.
Beginning Monday, The Doctor's daily radio show will air live on Blue Ridge Digital Cable, Channel 113, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., five days a week.
"I want to make this real," The Doctor said. "It's not going to be staged or produced."
Penn's Peak Radio is a digital radio program available on computers or on Channel 80 of the Blue Ridge Cable TV dial. Roberts stressed that the program will continue on radio as it has been for the past four years.
"We have silly, good clean fun," he said, "and that's what we'll continue to have. My motto is: 'If you can't have fun. Don't get up.'"
For the initial TV appearance, Roberts has something special planned.
"I'm not going to reveal what it is, but it is something that to my knowledge has never been done to a radio show host before while he's doing a show," he said. "I'm actually having second thoughts about it, but I will do it anyway."
Special guests are planned for upcoming shows, including a belly dancer, a midget friend, and an expert bra fitter.
"There will be nothing way-off base," he stressed. "It will just be silly fun."
The special segments of his radio/TV program will be available on "In Demand" on the Blue Ridge digital network.
Roberts, who has over 28 years of experience as a disc jockey, also does private disc jockey work.
"I've worked in a lot of different radio stations," he said.
He still lives in Mahoning Township, where he was born and raised.
"I have a great family, even though my family is sometimes the butt of my jokes." His family includes Michelle, "who keeps me centered and grounded," and his two sons, Justin, 19, a college student, and Blake, age 2.
"I often joke about having one kid in college and one kid in diapers," he said.
The Doctor is often called on to introduce special guests at concert events at Penn's Peak.
"I've introduced such stars as the Guess Who, Gary Allan, and Paula Poundstone," he said.
The music he plays on his morning office party includes a mix of rock and country.
"The Doctor likes to refer to it as the party music," he said, adding he does take requests.
"We have a lot of fun and that's going to be happening when we go to TV," he emphasized. "There are a lot of things planned and a lot of surprises taking place."
One of the things he has planned is a spinoff from the old "Whack-A-Mole" game. His modified version is called "Whack-A-Doc," whereby people who become upset can go onto the Web site and take a shot at The Doctor.
The Web site for Penn's Peak Radio is www.pennspeakradio.com.
To request a song, e-mail The Doctor at: doc@pennspeakradio.com.
If you don't have digital cable, it can be ordered by phoning 1-800-Cable 77.