Garbage truck needs repair, Towamensing vehicle used
Nesquehoning Borough Council found out from Mark Stromelo, chairman of sanitation, that the borough garbage truck is in Kovatch's Repair Shop for the installation of anew fuel injector. It is currently using Towamensing Township's garbage truck for it's collection.
Mayor Tony Walck has announced that the next Crime Watch meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. in the borough building. The borough offices will be closed on Monday, Oct. 12.
During the visitors segment of the council meeting Harry Miller, 255 Stock St., asked council to do something about the vacant home on Stock Street that has weeds growing. Patrolman Rob Blizzard said that a notice was sent and the home is up for sheriff's sale.
Tom Merman also questioned council about the street on Oak between Railroad and High Street that is posted "No Trespassing." He researched it and asked attornety Robert Yurchak, solicitor about it again. Last month he also presented the same question before the board. He asked if Sam Devin, neighbor, has the right to post the sign since he doesn't own the property.
Police Chief Sean Smith read his police report and Blizzard and Smith's reports were accepted by the council members. A motion was made for the police to rejoin the NRA for $95 for three years.
The specs will be ready for the new police station at the Nesquehoning Recreation Center in about one to two weeks.
Council authorized borough engineer, Ron Tirpak to authorize a study on the weight limit on Park Avenue. There have been numerous complaints pertaining to large trucks passing on that street going to the co-gen plant.
Mayor Walck told everyone that the Lansford Halloween Parade will be held on Oct. 24 at 3:30 p.m. and all Panther Valley children are invited to participate. Trick or Treat Night in Nesquehoning is set for Thursday, Oct. 29 from 6 to 8 p.m.
A "No Parking" sign will be painted along with lines in front of the carpet store on West Center Street.
The sludge removal bid was awarded to Aqua Waste Water Inc. of Souderton at 6.93 cents.
A motion passed to hire Ryan White as a part time patrolman in the borough.
A thank you note was received from Cynthia Roy of Hauto Estates for the Sanitation pickers who picked up her garbage strewn along the roadway.
New fans and lights were installed in the Nesquehoning Recreation Center. The new back door has yet to be installed.
Councilman Frank DiMiceli proposed sending letters opposing the pension plan change to state Rep. Keith McCall and Congressman Paul Kanjorski. DiMiceli read the reports for the fire truck and the ambulance.
The borough will join the Carbon County Chamber of Commerce and file paper work for the On Demand Energy Solution, saving between 15 and 30 percent. They must also select the type of lights for the New Columbus playground.
Councilman Richard Zabroski asked council to send a forceful letter to PPL on replacing light bulbs in a more timely fashion.
Mayor Walck said the Junior Recreation Committee are discussing ways to earn items for the upcoming Thanksgiving baskets for the elderly and shut-ins.
With the installation of a stop sign in the Little Flower development at Diaz and Little Flower Avenue, another stop sign will be placed at Diaz and Pastori Avenue.