Palmerton Area Junior High inducts students to National Junior Honor Society
The Palmerton Area Junior High School recently inducted sixteen students into the National Junior Honor Society. Right to left in front row: Gabriel Scott, Joshua Evans, Jenna Creed, Kyle Leiby, Erin Williamson, Leah Heffelfinger and Jacqueline Frohnheiser. Back Row: Mr.. Brad Landis, NJHS Advisor, Taylor Ravert, Andrew Nosti, Kacie Hay, Alison Young, Taylor Williams, Dakota Strohl, Jessica Debski and Mr. Thaddeus Kosciolek, Junior High Principal. Ty Achtermann and Bryce Andress are new members but were not present for the picture. The 2009-2010 NJHS officers are President, Joshua Evans; Vice President, Kyle Leiby; Treasurer, Taylor Williams; Secretary is Gabriel Scott.