Woman jailed for retail theft
A Weatherly woman was jailed on Friday, Sept. 25, after being arrested for retail theft by Nesquehoning police. It was one of two retail theft arrests reported by police
Officer Timothy Wuttke was dispatched to Redner's Warehouse Market about 1:38 p.m. for a person in custody for theft. The suspect was identified as Cynthia Marie Getz, 38, of 239 Third St. It was learned that Getz is currently on probation for another retail theft and the new arrest was her third, making it a felony three by law.
She was charged with taking three cans of Sloppy Joe mix and one can of Bush's baked beans for a total value of $6.66. She was arraigned before District Judge Casimir Kosciolek, of Lansford, and committed to the county prison in lieu of $3,000 straight bail.
Police also noted that the Carbon County Adult Probation Office placed a detainer on her for a probation violation.
On Thursday, Sept. 24, about 6:44 p.m. Chief Sean Smith was dispatched to Redner's for another retail theft incident. Arrested were Marie Fairchild, 36, and her daughter, age 15, of 11 Willow Lane, Nesquehoning. They allegedly attempted to steal lobster tails, a case of iceland haddock and other items totaling $55.86 in value.
After further investigation Smith learned it was a first offense for the pair so he issued them a summary citation for retail theft.