Teacher doesn't want to be seen as financial burden
Dear Editor:
I love Lehighton and I love this school district. As a fifth generation member of this community, I am vested in the success of our students because as a I returned to teach. I hope others will, too. Part of what makes this town the place I choose to call home is the sense of responsibility neighbors and friends have for each other. This isn't a big city where nobody knows the people who live next door. When there is a snow storm, there are teenagers shoveling driveways for elderly. When electricity goes out, people gather in churches to eat together.
I think people often forget positives and choose to dwell on negatives. I'd like to remind everyone that as our town has a lot going for it, so do our students.
As the adviser of the NHS, FBLA and the Red Cross Group, I see how giving, and generous of spirit our children are. They don't just give time, they give emotions, support, and often their own funds to help other people. It is a shame they are not recognized for every small thing they do, but, one of the things that makes me proud is that they don't ask for recognition. They volunteer because it is the right thing to do.
Teachers are mentors and lead by example. As my students don't need recognition, neither do I. However, it is hard for me to sit back and only be looking negatively, as a financial burden on the district, rather than a contributing member of the community.
I understand taxes. My family has owned a business in the community since 1925. I remember clearly my father and grandfather before him receiving the property taxes and them getting upset going into their offices slamming the door. After a few days they would cool off because they knew they had to pay taxes and sometimes pay more taxes, in order for the community and its students to succeed.
As members of the community, I pay taxes because I believe in this town, I believe in our school, and I want to live here my entire life. I want to continue teaching students content and how to succeed in their individual lives. I hope together we can find ways to move forward.
Thank you,
Matt Fisher