Pocono DUI arrests reported
Pocono Mountain Regional police reported on several arrests for driving under the influence (DUI) made by officers in recent days.
On March 24 about 1:30 a.m. officers stopped a vehicle going northbound on SR940 near SR611 for failing to dim the headlights. The driver was identified as Paul Brignini, 45, of Tobyhanna. He was found to be under the influence and failed field sobriety tests. A search of his car was conducted and found was cocaine along with two empty packages of cocaine.
Brignini was placed under arrest for DUI or drugs and possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was taken to the Pocono Medical Center, East Stroudsburg, for a blood test. Charges will be filed, police said.
On April 10 about 4:23 a.m. officers made a traffic stop along SR940 after clearing an incident at that location and in which police knew the driver was intoxicated. The driver was identified as Leslie Pereira, of Long Pond. Pereira was found to be under the influence and failed field sobriety tests. The suspect was taken to the PMC for a blood test. The DUI charge is pending the test results, police said.
On April 14, about 3:40 a.m., police responded to a crash along Mayfair Road near Belgravia Road, in Pocono Farms East, Coolbaugh Township. The initial report indicated a vehicle was in a driveway at 5119 Mayfair Road. Police spoke with Joao Faria, of Tobyhanna, who indicated someone had hit his vehicle while parked in the driveway. A further investigation revealed Faria had driven the vehicle from an accident scene on Belgravia Road to his home.
He was found to be under the influence and failed field sobriety tests. He was placed under arrest for DUI and leaving the scene of an accident.
On April 15 about 1:30 a.m. officers conducted a traffic stop along Summit Avenue near Fifth St., in Coolbaugh Township, for a vehicle code violation. The driver was identified as Trevor Bowman, of Mt. Pocono. He was found to be under the influence and failed field sobriety tests. He was then taken to PMC for a blood test. The DUI charge is pending the test results, police said.
On Sunday, April 18, about 2:55 a.m. police observed a vehicle traveling south on SR115 near Ferncrest Road, in Tobyhanna Township, and made a stop of it on the on-ramp to Interstate 80. The driver was identified as Eiugena Ensminger, 46, of East Stroudsburg. Ensminger was found to be under the influence and was taken to the Fern Ridge state police barracks for a breath test. He was arrested for DUI, driving on the right side of the road and roadways laned for traffic.