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Panther Valley news

Published August 10. 2010 05:00PM

St. John's

At 7 p.m. each Wednesday St. John's Lutheran Church, 1 E. Abbott St., Lansford, holds an informal worship: a spiritual, peaceful evening service with Holy Communion. All are welcome to this relaxed, brief evening prayer.

For those who wish to come early, a simple supper is served at 6 p.m., followed by a brief Bible study at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call the Rev. Marjorie Keiter, (570) 645-0356.


Committee to meet

The Lansford Borough Facility Planning Committee meeting that was originally scheduled to be held this week has been rescheduled to Monday, Aug. 16, at 6:30 p.m.

The meeting will be held at the Lansford Borough Office, 26 E. Patterson St.

Borough council

The monthly meeting of the Lansford Borough Council will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 11, at 6:30 p.m. in the Lansford Community Center. Bob Gaughan, president, will chair the session.

AMVETS to meet

The Lansford AMVETS Post will meet on Wednesday, Aug. 11, at 6:30 p.m. at the post home. Commander Michael Frey will chair the session.

A meeting of the Home Association will be held immediately after the post's session.

Fall program

The Lansford Babe Ruth Baseball program will be hosting a Fall ball team. Any graduate of Little League and players 13 to 15 years old are eligible to play. For More information, contact

Bob Pavlik, (570) 645-2566, or Chris Henritzy, 645-7083.

Summit Hill

Free magic show

A free magic show entitled "It's Magic With Magician Joe Keppel" "Explore the World and Read," will be held on Saturday, Aug. 21, beginning at 2 p.m. at the Summit Hill Heritage Center, Chestnut and Hazard streets.

In addition to the show, hot dogs, drinks and treats will be given to the children.

For free tickets, e-mail or call (570) 645-9133 or 645-9160.

The event is sponsored by Mile and Ike's and Zours (Just Born Candy), the TIMES NEWS, Boyer's Food Markets and the First National Bank of Palmerton.

Scripture sharing

The weekly scripture sharing sessions at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Summit Hill, will be held Thursday, Aug. 12, at 7 p.m. in the rectory.

Festival wrap-up

St. Joseph Catholic Church, Summit Hill, will hold a festival wrap-up meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 11, at 7 p.m. in the social hall of the church.

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