2009-2010 Pool Team
2009-2010 pool team winner representatives from left are First Place Overall
team winner Willis Garber representing the Tamaqua "East End II" Fire Co.
Team, First Place First Half team winner Sonny Triano representing the
Clamtown Tavern, First Place
MVP and Round Robin Championship team
winner with fellow team member Scott Benjamin(both representing the Still
Creek Tavern Team), First Place Overall team winner Jimbo Kachelries
representing the Tamaqua Citizens Fire Company, Third Place Overall team
winner Bill Mellor representing the Clamtown Tavern, Second Place Second
Half team winner Harry Heffelfinger representing the Tamaqua Citizen's Fire
Company, Fourth Place Overall team winner Stacey Mika representing the Pine
Street Pub, and Nails Knoblauch also representing the Pine Street Pub pool