Dear Editor:
* I always check my horror-scope the day after the prediction is made to see how true it was. It never works they lie!
* I understand why our country comes to the financial aid of other nations when a tragedy prevails upon those folks. But why do we borrow money from China to finance our own trillion-dollar debt. Are we robbing Peter (us) to pay Paul (everyone else)?
* As I drive the roads in my community I see beer cans littering the side of the roads. How come no one receives a citation for driving under the influence or with an open container in his or her car?
* The post officer should just raise the cost of a stamp to 50 cents. They're going to do it any way. And then the post office employees and I do not need to carry all that change.
* I understand that Franklin Township has an ordinance for residents to remove junk cars from their property. Who's enforcing the law?
* The township communities should require property owners to remove trees and shrubs close to the intersections to clear the view for cross traffic.
* Even though we live in a rural community I don't know why folks don't use a bag to pick up scat when they walk their dogs.
* PPL has a great web site to check your electric usage and tips to save money. Check your bill for instructions.
* You have to totally agree with the media chastising of our one term president on the issues of the mosque, swimming in the oil spill and Michelle taking 20 of her cronies to Spain on our tax dollars. I cannot wait for 2012.
* Do you think the president will have a beer summit to save wiggle Rangle from his ethics violations.
* In preparation for the winter, this is the time of the year to check tree and limbs that are on electric wires. Remember the electric company is responsible for pole to pole, but you have the responsibility for pole to house maintenance.
* I'm glad to see Labor Day approach. At least we can get OUR Lake back. The vendors in the area need not fret about perceived loss of business. They have true value to add to their bottom line with hunting and ski season coming.
Thanks for your feedback.
From the pen
of K Treger,