Saving us from ourselves
Dear Editor:
This is an open letter to the parties involved with the "Save Us from Ourselves" political structure:
Allow me to begin with, I loathe watching so called "Reality Television" primarily due to the fact that the local people in the surrounding communities to me provide all that I could ever want for entertainment and delight.
Mr. Eckhart, I implore you to take a look at some existing regulations in your community's rule book. I am sure that there was something in there that regulates certified heating systems of some sort.
It seems to me that your little community is attempting to usurp an Individual's ability to live. Heating water for whatever the individual deems as needed with whatever method is most suitable
for all involved is part of living.
Entertaining that the committee whose task was to research the entire rule structure etc. before trying to pass an ordinance fell very short. See what happens when you want "instant gratification?" (That's rhetorical folks for those reading that are unable to comprehend and process satire).
Mr. Halpert, I would suggest maybe taking a look at the community garage's heating system. Maybe one of your products could benefit all involved?
" ... your eyes water and the nose bleeds." Nice! I am willing to wager not breathing for 10 seconds that your home has a larger toxic *ahem* "footprint" than one of those wood burning devices. I truly snicker when "today's latest thing is tomorrow's laughing stock." Warms my bones when someone is not willing to compromise with those they choose to surround themselves with.
So, what the consensus of this rule is that I have to live a particular lifestyle to afford a home of dimensions and aesthetics to which suit you, the party creating/enforcing this rule just so that I may heat it using a method of any means that is efficient for all involved? Hmmm.
All right, so someone had to have their instant gratification, frivolously spent public trusts. Seems all the rage these days folks no matter what or where the Community is.
At the end of the day, I notice this trend of not actually working toward the betterment of one's community. More time is spent on "saving us all from ourselves" by making these ridiculous rules that, by birth, are forced upon one another. What you do as a collective presently, it has been done and is documented in the history of humans.
Always with the control. I mean come on! Rome was bad enough.
I see the trend of society geared toward "enforcement" of beliefs and ideals and less on just running the place and making it so that when someone wishes to just take a drive to see a country side, the roads are nice and neat because there is no Political fat cat sitting with a million dollar grin spending the bulk of the public trusts on administrative costs".
These are just my observations folks. Take it as you wish to interpret it.
Your fellow earthling,
TJ Chinaski