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Jim Thorpe news

Published December 17. 2010 05:00PM

Smoke detectors

The Jim Thorpe Fire Department has free smoke detectors for Jim Thorpe Borough Residents. If you need a smoke detector, please contact Fire Chief Bill Diehm at (570) 325-3890. No commercial properties please.

Olde Tyme Christmas

Members of the parish of St. John's Lutheran Church, South Ave., will celebrate an Olde Tyme Christmas on Sunday, Dec. 19. The evening will begin at 5 p.m. with a covered dish supper. The children of the Sunday School will present their annual Christmas program following the meal. Pastor Muhr, will also have a children's time and there will also be a Christmas carol sing-a-long.

Children's party

The annual children's Christmas party hosted by the members of the Diligent Fire Company will take place on Saturday, Dec. 18, beginning at 1 p.m. Children up to the age of 10 are invited to come to the company headquarters on Center Avenue, to give Santa their Christmas list.

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