Game Lands have been improved
Mike Beahm, Pennsylvania Game Commission Land Management Supervisor for Carbon, Monroe, Luzerne and Lackawanna counties reports that the Food and Cover crews in Carbon County recently completed a 20-acre timber stand improvements on State Game Land 129.
"This cutting will provide browse for deer during the winter months," Beahm said. "During the summer, we can expect lots of early regeneration improving the habitat for grouse, turkeys and snowshoe hare."
Beahm also reports that the new rifle range on SGL 127 was completed in December. This new facility is an upgrade of the former range on Plank Road, which in the spring will undergo improvements to restore its wildlife habitat..
"In the spring, the new range will be closed for a short period of time to complete the final improvements," Beahm said. "This range is on Seven Mile Road near State Route 423 and a 10- and 25-yard pistol range and a 50- and 100-yard rifle range."
This year's 26th annual Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association Youth Education Benefit Auction will be held, Sunday, Feb. 14, beginning at 1 p.m., during the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg.
Funds from the auction of outdoors-related merchandise is used to finance grants to sportsman's groups, schools, nature centers, youth organizations and others to help finance educational outdoors programs for youth. Since the first auction in 1984, POWA has raised more than $350,000 - all of which has been used for grants and scholarships.
Over the years, POWA has received increased requests for grants, making it more difficult to raise the necessary funds. While the majority of the items at the auction are donated from exhibitors at the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show, those wishing to donate merchandise or services can contact POWA auction chairman Kermit Henning by calling (717) 766-4834 or e-mailing
Schuylkill County Sportsmen's Advisory Board chairman Craig Morgan is today's guest on "Experience the Outdoors" with Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association member Doyle Dietz on Oldies 1410-AM, from 7:30-8 a.m., and Sunday, on Magic, WMGH, 105.5-FM, from 9:30-10 a.m. Rebroadcasts are on the Web at by clicking on the "Experience The Outdoors" link.
Here is the schedule of upcoming sports and outdoors shows:
Leesport Sportsman's Show and Flea Market: Today, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Leesport Farmers Market. For information, call Ralph Reber at 610-944-9376.
Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show: Today-Sunday, Feb. 14, Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex, Harrisburg. Show hours: Today, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, Feb. 7, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Monday-Saturday, Feb. 8-13, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, Feb. 14, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, access the show Web site at
Greater Philadelphia Outdoor Sport Show: Thursday-Sunday, Feb. 25-28, Greater Philadelphia Expo Center, 100 Station Ave., Oaks. Show hours: Thursday and Friday, 12:30-9 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, call 610-431-4315 or access on the Web at
"Wildlife Art Expo," Saturday, March 27, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Environmental Education Center, Montour Preserve, Washingtonville. For information, call Jon Beam at 570-437-3131.
A coyote hunting seminar will be held, Saturday, Feb. 6, 1 p.m., at Port Clinton Fish and Game, 16 Clinton St., Port Clinton. This year's annual coyote hunt by the club will be held, Tuesday, Feb. 16-Sunday, Feb. 28. For information and registration, call the club at 610-562-4310 or e-mail
"On the Trail of the Bog Turtle," will be presented, Tuesday, Feb. 9, beginning at 7 p.m., at Sweet Arrow Lake Clubhouse, Pine Grove. For information, visit on the Web at or call SAL at 570-345-8952.
A trap shoot will be held, Thursday, Feb. 11, beginning at 6 p.m., at Orwigsburg Gun Club, Gun Club Road, off Route 443 East, Orwigsburg. For information, e-mail .
Pheasants Forever Schuylkill Chapter will hold its annual banquet, Saturday, Feb. 27, beginning at 4:30 p.m., at Community Fire Company, Landingville. For information, call Lou Dallatore at 570-345-4337.
A block shoot for .22 caliber and 12 gauge, will be held, Friday, Feb. 19, from 6-10 p.m., at Orwigsburg Gun Club, Gun Club Road, off Route 443 East, Orwigsburg. For information, e-mail
Muzzleloader shoots will be held, Sunday, March 14, April 11, May 9, June 13, July 11, Aug. 6, Sept. 12, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 9 and 10, Sunday, Nov. 14, Dec. 12, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., by the First Frontier Militia, at Bowmanstown Rod and Gun Club, Gun Club Road, off Route 248, Bowmanstown. For information, call Roger Fisher at 610-377-2812.