Bigger isn't always better
Dear Editor:
Snuggled in the woods between Lansford and Nesquehoning, off Route 209 is one of the most hidden treasures ever found in the Valley. That is WLSH AM radio station.
I'm writing this before Valentine's Day sneaks up on us.
BRAVO to the Xmas songs that were played on that local station. I've heard songs of my age that were truly beautiful in lyric and verse. I think "Uncle Bill" station manager has kept this a secret to only share with local listeners. It's comfort and nurturing of the soul really reached out to the Valley, it's sounds covered the area with a blanket of fresh white snow.
Also "Air Your Opinion," how many others then our quaint small towns have so many listeners and call ins waiting for Saturday 9 a.m. to noon to discuss just about anything.
It is times like this that make up for happiness living small. Bigger isn't always better. It's just more expensive.
I say Bravo. Bravo to Uncle Bill, staff and patrons.
Faithful listener
Diane Leonzi