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Panther Valley news

Published February 16. 2010 05:00PM



A bloodmobile visit will be held in the front of the Nesquehoning VFW Post 8008 at 300 East Center St. on Wednesday, Feb. 17 from 4:30-7:15 p.m.

The first 20 donors will get a T-shirt. First time donors must have proper identification.


The JROTC of the Panther Valley High School will hold a meeting on Wednesday, Feb., 17 at 6 p.m. All are invited to attend.

Senior food pantry

The following is information for the new senior citizen food pantry.

Senior box sign up: Thursday, Feb. 18, starting at noon. Open to all seniors (60 years of age and low income) who meet the guidelines.

Income eligibility:Family of one - $1,174 per month; family of two - $1,579 per month. Proof of income and residency is required.

Proof includes: Disability, pension, Social Security Unemployment, current Medicaid card, Food Stamp award letter.

Please bring all paper work with you for this program.

Each person living in the same household must sign up in person for the initial start up of this program

Food distribution will take place at Meed's Methodist Church.

Summit Hill

Historical society

The Summit Hill Historical Society will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 17, at 7 p.m. in the museum on East Ludlow Street. Lee Mantz, president, will be in charge of the session.

New members are welcome to join by attending the meeting. The society's membership drive is currently under way. Dues helps the society to maintain operations of its museum on East Ludlow Street and to fund special projects in town.

Garbage rates

Summit Hill Borough Council recently established new garbage rates for 2010. The cost per year is $210, however, homeowners who pay the annual fee, instead of quarterly, will receive a 5 percent discount of $10.50.

Residents opting to pay quarterly will receive four statements per year. Each will be $52.50.

Anyone with questions about the fees can contact borough secretary Kira Michalik at (570) 645-2305.

SH genealogy

Summit Hill residents having genealogy information that they wish to share with the Summit Hill Historical Society are invited to do so. The society maintains a "library" of information and is contacted "at least once a month" from persons seeking such information, according to society President Lee Mantz.

Member Carol Miller has conducted the research for inquiries.

Persons interested in adding to the data can do so by contacting Maxine Vermillion at, or they can send it to SHHS, P.O. Box 41, Summit Hill, PA 18250.

Methodist church

The Coaldale/Summit Hill United Methodist Charge's Ash Wednesday service scheduled for Feb. 17, has been canceled.

St. Joseph Church

The Season of Lent will officially start on Wednesday, Feb. 17. Mass and services are scheduled at noon and 6:30 p.m. in St. Joseph Catholic Church, Summit Hill. The distribution of ashes will follow each Mass.

Lions to meet

The Summit Hill Lions Club will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 23, at 6:30 p.m. at the Parkview Inn. Dr. Kenneth Vermillion, president, will be in charge of the session.

The district governor will be in attendance. He will be joined by the new officers of the Weatherly Lions Club that was sponsored by the Summit Hill Lions.

Also in attendance will be Al Sellers, who will provide information about the upcoming census that will be taken.

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