Lansford police report
Lansford Police Chief John Turcmanovich has released the department's report for December, 2009:
Complaints/incidents: 325; criminal arrests: 6; traffic citations: 50; nontraffic citations: 9; code enforcement citations: 36; parking tickets: 72; 911 hang-ups: 6; accidents: 14; alarms: 2; animals: 14; assaults: 2; assist agencies: 3; assist police: 20; assist persons: 7; "be-on-the-lookout": 0; burglary: 2; check businesses; 1; check residences: 4; welfare checks: 5; arson: 0; civil: 6; code enforce./ordinance:14; criminal mischief: 4; details: 3; disorderly conduct: 2; disturbances: 4; domestic: 10; drug complaints: 4; fights: 0; DUI: 1; fire calls: 0; trespassing: 0; follow ups: 30; harassment: 9; information: 9; robbery: 1; court: 2; public drunkenness: 2; noise: 8; parking: 8; phone assignment: 3; suspicious activity: 3; thefts: 3; traffic: 47; abandoned vehicles: 11; warrants: 7; property: 5; hazards: 1.
Vehicle mileage: unit 101 - 1,353 miles; unit 102 - 1,423 miles; unit 103 - 157 miles; unit 104 - 1,396 miles.
Here are the figures for all of 2009: Complaints/incidents: 4,044; criminal arrests: 83; traffic citations: 455; nontraffic citations: 341; parking tickets: 1,050; vehicle mileage: unit 101: 14,481 miles; unit 102:15,356 miles; unit 103: 4,049 miles; unit 104:8,246 miles.