Support health care option
Dear Editor:
On January 12, 1915, the House of Representatives rejected a proposal to give women the right to vote. On January 12, 2010, Representative Tim Holden is rejecting The Affordable Health Care Act for America, robust legislation for vital Health Care Reform.
Today we look back at the mind set of those Representatives who rejected a woman's right to vote with embarrassment. Today we look at the mind set or Representatives who would deny Americans access to Quality Health Care scandalous. The justification is the importance of remaining fiscally responsible. I say the importance of the life and death of Americans is the number one responsibility for our government.
Where is the urgency to protect our fellow citizens from illness and death that is preventable? To avoid that reality is unconscionable.
How many realize that one American dies every 12 minutes for lack of access to quality health care. What of the fear of someone who loses their job, then their health care and prays that no one in their family becomes ill and requires health care that would force them into bankruptcy? This is the reality that Americans face today.
We are spending millions upon millions of dollars to prevent possible terrorists attacks while thousands of our citizens die each month from lack of financial access to affordable medical care. It is horrific if someone is killed in a terrorist attack... but just unfortunate that someone dies because they couldn't afford to pay for life-saving chemotherapy. This contrast in the value of human life is terrifying!
We must not let this precious time for heroic action slip by and not halt the daily tragedy of preventable deaths.
Rather, let us act with the example of the "Good Samaritan" who saw the need and, moved with compassion, immediately bound up the wounds of the helpless. Each of us, in time, may become "helpless" and give thanks for the compassion of others. That, I believe, is what grounds the character of this great nation.
That is also why it is also essential to our physical and moral health to support a robust Public Health Care Option.
You can do that with a note or call to Representative Tim Holden, a good man, and remind him that quality health care is an essential right for all Americans and that it must happen now.
Deacon Skip La Police
500 Hemlock Road