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Carbon man facing multiple charges

Published January 25. 2010 05:00PM

A Carbon County resident is facing multiple criminal counts following an incident that occurred last November.

Nesquehoning Police Chief Sean Smith has charged Charles Kaukaoh Misawic, 41, of 138 E. Columbus Ave., Nesquehoning, as the result of an incident that occurred on Nov. 28.

Smith has charged Misawic with driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol, prohibited offensive weapons, unlawful possession of a controlled substance-marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, accidents involving damage to unattended vehicle or property, driving on roadways laned for traffic and careless driving.

According to the affidavit of probable cause about 3:33 p.m. on the date listed the communications center received a phone call from a witness who had observed a possibly intoxicated driver striking a PennDOT road sign at the intersection of SR209 and SR93. The caller said the suspect vehicle was headed into Nesquehoning. The vehicle was described as a Ford pickup truck, black in color with a cap on the vehicle.

Smith was tied up with another call at the time and had the communications center dispatch Jim Thorpe police to the area.

Jim Thorpe police responded, and with information from the witness, found the pickup truck at 138 E. Columbus Ave. Misawic was found inside the home and was identified as the driver of the pickup truck by his wife, Brenda Misawic. She gave a written statement that Misawcic showed up at his residence intoxicated and that there were no beer or narcotics in the home since she was on probation and was not allowed to have anything of that sort in the house.

Officer John Donato of the Jim Thorpe police conducted a patdown of Misawic and found on him was a green vegetable matter in a clear plastic bag suspected to be marijuana. A consent search of the vehicle was conducted and found was a half-can of cold Budweiser beer in a cupholder and a cooler containing more Budweiser beer. Also found was set of brass knuckles with a folding knife concealed by the drivers' side seat.

Damage was also observed to the truck consisted with the damage to the road sign. Misawic denied that the drugs or beer was his stating it belonged to a buddy of his but he could not give the name of the person. He also said he struck a Christmas tree with his truck which caused the damage.

Misawic was found to be under the influence and refused to submit to field sobriety tests. He was taken to the Lehighton hospital where he submitted to a blood test. The test results revealed a .34BAC and the presence of marijuana in the blood.

Misawic was arraigned before District Judge Casimir T. Kosciolek, of Lansford, on Jan. 21. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for March 21 at 1:30 p.m. before Kosciolek.

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