Panther Valley news
Golden Agers
The June 28 meeting of the Golden Agers was conducted by President Ronnie Bazik. Bernice Strepko read an appropriate message "Summer Time." Irene Hudasky read an article about life in the 1500s in Europe. Mimi Marrin gave her Sunshine Report.
There will be no birthday celebration in July. Combined birthdays of July and August will be held Aug. 9.
The next meeting will be July 12, starting at 1 p.m. at St. Joseph Hall in Summit Hill. The guest speaker will be Janene M. Holter from the office of Attorney General Tom Corbett. She will present an important message on identity theft. Holter is the senior supervisory agent on the "Education and Outreach Program." The public is invited to attend this presentation. The hall is handicapped accessible.
Food pantry
The next food pantry at Meed's UMC Church is set for Thursday, July 15 from 1-3:30 p.m.
Tax office
The tax office of Patti Vito will be closed on Thursday, July 8; Friday, July 9; and Tuesday, July 13.
PV Knee Hi
The next meeting of the Panther Valley Knee Hi is set for Tuesday, July 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sports Zoo. This is the last meeting before the first practice on July 26.