Take a 'bite' out of your grocery bill with 'Twilight'
The box office is open, and I finally got to see the third installment of the Twilight saga last weekend.
It was a great movie and a terrific way to start the long weekend. Of course, it made focusing on work a bit more difficult so instead of thinking of new ways to save money on our grocery bill, I wanted to share a few of the food-related lessons we can learn from the Twilight saga.
Don't skip mealsor go hungry
Main character Edward Cullen regularly goes for weeks without meals. He's a vampire, so he can do that without too much trouble. Personally, I prefer to eat every few hours.
He's a bit hungry when he walks into the classroom where he first meets Bella Swan, his soon-to-be girlfriend.
Because Bella smells nearly irresistible to him, Edward nearly kills his beloved Bella all because he was hungry. Well, thirsty. You get the idea.
Human translation: We all make poor choices when we're hungry. We may not want to nibble on the person sitting next to us but poor choices can lead to spending more money or impulse buys at the grocery store.
You'll also make poor decisions if you wait until you're famished to start prepping your next meal. You may not be able to resist that awesome-smelling (but overpriced) rotisserie chicken at the grocery store!
Find new ways to make old favorites
Charlie Swan loves to fish. He spends much of his free time, not with his daughter Bella, but by the river fishing. He's a pretty good fisherman, too he's got a six-month supply of fish in the freezer. That sounds like a great problem to have, if you're willing to eat fish every night.
Fortunately, there's Harry Clearwater's Famous Fish Fry. If you've read the books, you'll know that Harry Clearwater is a good friend who also enjoys fishing.
He's developed his own batter recipe for fish, and it's become a favorite with many of his friends. Harry's Famous Fish Fry arrives just in time, giving Bella a new way to prepare Charlie's endless supply of fish.
Human translation: This tip is pretty human already! If you find a great price on a food item or have to stick to a limited menu for health reasons, get creative. Freezer filled with fish? Search the Internet or newspaper for new recipes, or ask friends what they might do with 30 pounds of frozen trout.
All you can eat?Bad idea
The third Twilight movie features the Newborn Army. One member of this army is Bree Tanner, a young girl from Seattle. In "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner," we hear Bree's story and also see the Newborn Army preparing for battle.
Their last stop before battle is, well, lunch. They attack a ferryboat filled with humans and treat it like an all-you-can-eat buffet.
With their bellies full, they're happy. Sounds like what you'd feel like after a stop at the buffet, right? You're full, and you're happy.
Of course, what happens once that food-high wears off? You're hungry again, and you're probably not too happy about having eaten so much.
When Bree's hunger returns, she realizes that she has a bigger appetite and intense cravings. She's cranky, too! That certainly sounds like me after I've eaten too much.
Human translation: Eat when you're hungry. Stop when you're full. You'll save money, calories, and regret.