Tamaqua news
Rush-Ryan seniors
The Rush, Ryan and Delano Senior Citizens Inc. met July 13 at the Ryan Township Fire Company with 47 members in attendance. President Eleanor Schmerfeld conducted the business meeting. Chaplain Kathleen Valentine offered an invocation.
Reports were presented by secretary Florina Martin and treasurer Shirley Becker. Birthday greetings were offered to Rhoda Purnell, Shirley and Hub Becker, Faye Sweeney, Florina Martin, Dolores Walck and Jimmy Valentine.
Jean Machamer, Florina Martin and Shirley Becker provided inspirational readings.
The group meets the second and fourth Monday of every month. Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join. The next meeting will be held at the Grier City Playground and will include the annual picnic.
Wednesday is the day for curbside recycling pickup for all residents of Tamaqua.
All recyclable items must be placed in the containers issued to each borough household. Any other containers, such as plastic bags and cardboard boxes, will be emptied and left behind.
Anyone who needs a recycling container may contact borough hall at (570) 668-3444.
Collection bins for cardboard have been moved to the Tamaqua Transfer Station on Sewage Treatment Plant Road.
Collection bins for newspaper can be found at the Tamaqua Borough Garage on East Broad Street.
Gardening help
Penn State Master Gardeners hosts a gardening helpline, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., every Monday and Wednesday through Sept. 29, as well as conducting workshop sessions to help area residents.
Master Gardener help, and information, is available at (570) 622-4225 or by e-mail at schuylkillmg@psu.edu.