Tamaqua news
Class of 1961
The Tamaqua Class of 1961 will meet July 27, at 7 p.m., at 605 Brew St. The group will discuss plans for a golden (50) anniversary reunion.
For more information, contact Ann at (570) 668-4151 or Bobbi at 668-2226.
Democrats to meet
The Eastern Schuylkill Democrats will meet today, at 7:30 p.m., at the East End Fire Company.
TAMS orientation
Tamaqua Area Middle School students and their parents will have the opportunity to attend a school orientation on Aug. 2, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Incoming sixth-grade students, as well as students new to the district, are encouraged to attend by Principal Christopher Czapla. The evening will begin in the school auditorium. Information will be provided on student schedules and activities, facilities and discipline.
Tours of the building will be available, accompanied by student guides. School supplies will be available.
Homeroom assignments will be posted on the main door as of Aug. 2.