Summit Hill news
Summit Hill
OLOAA sign-ups
Our Lady of the Angels Academy, Lansford, is accepting registrations for the 2010-11 school year. Parents can register their sons or daughters at the school between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m., or other arrangements will be made by calling (570) 645-7170 or 645-7101.
Children registering for kindergarten must be 5 years of age by Oct. 15. First graders must be 6 years of age by the same date.
Parents are reminded when registering their child the following information will be required: birth certificate, baptismal certificate and immunization records.
A registration fee will also be required.
School officials note financial aid is available to qualifying families.
Methodist Charge
The schedule for the Coaldale/Summit Hill United Methodist Charge for Sunday, Aug. 1, is as follows:
Worship services will be held at 9 a.m. in the Summit Hill United Methodist Church and at 11 a.m. in the Coaldale United Methodist Church. The Rev. Burgess Gordon, pastor, will officiate at both services.
The adult Sunday school will be held at 10 a.m. in the Coaldale church.
Presbyterian church
The worship service for the Hope of Christ Presbyterian Church, Summit Hill, for Sunday, Aug. 1, will take place at 9:30 a.m., which is a change for the summer season.
The time will be in effect until Sept. 12. During the summer, there will be no junior choir, Sunday school or adult Bible class.
Services sought
St. Joseph Catholic Church, Summit Hill, is seeking the services of individuals to fill various board positions. Openings exist for the parish council and finance committee, Our Lady of the Angels Academy school board and the OLOAA finance committee. The only requirement is a desire to perpetuate the Catholic school. It is not necessary that those serving in the school capacities have a child at OLOAA.
Anyone interested in the positions is asked to contact the Rev. James Burdess, pastor.
Summer hours
Parishioners of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Summit Hill, are reminded the parish office is operating on a summer schedule. The office will be open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
For more information about the church's activities/schedules, visit the parish website at