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Jim Thorpe news

Published June 09. 2010 05:00PM

Graduates honored

St. John's Lutheran Church, South Ave., honored the members of the church that were recent high school and college graduates. The college graduates were, Amber Bennick, Widener University, doctor of physical therapy; Matthew Dunbar, Bloomsburg University, bachelor of science in business administration; and Coral Swartz, Yale University, master's degree in bio statistics. Jim Thorpe Area High School graduates include Hilary Reis, Nicole Murlo, Jennifer Strohl and Brandon Grammes; and at CCTI, Kristy Rodgers, all of whom will be continuing their education.

Bible school

The community-wide Bible school, sponsored by the Jim Thorpe Ministerium, will be held from July 12-16, at St. John's Lutheran Church, South Ave.

Registration forms have been distributed to the local churches. The school is open to children 2 years of age up to those who have finished sixth grade.

There is a need for teachers and helpers and if you are interested or have any questions contact Kathy Heller, (570) 325-2282.

This year's theme is "Bao Bab Blast." Mrs. Heller is looking for pine cones, buttons, egg cartons, ribbon, and old discs for crafts. These articles may be taken to the churches, and will then be turned over to her.

Water reports

The annual water reports for Jim Thorpe are being mailed to all residents of the community. If you do not receive one and wish to receive one, please call the borough office, (570) 325-2181.

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