Oil spill and the president
Dear Editor:
For the past month, the news media has plagued us with the oil spill in the Gulf. My heavy heart goes out to the folks in that area for all the misfortune they have been subjected too over the past several years. And that does not even begin to tally the loss of life that can never be replaced. Unless you fail to recall these folks are still rebuilding from the hurricane. We are having a Haiti disaster on our own shores.
BP hasn't been able to slow down, curtail, or even remotely stop the flow of oil. Millions, yes, if not trillions of oil that has blown out of a well after an explosion on April 20.
"We are doing everything we know to stop the flow," quotes BP. Well that's not much. Where were the contingency plans, you know the "What if" scenario if the oil hits the fan? What did they learn after the disaster in Alaska? I know, BUTKUS!
All of this pointing of fingers is almost akin to the Congress with their tongues wagging as to who is to blame for the financial crisis are in. Or did you forget about that? Was this a plan of Obama? "Yes we can" to take the heat off of trillion dollar debt, a failed health care system; or how about a mortgage crisis that we are facing and millions of jobs lost. Obama and the Congress are blaming BP for no contingency plans for a disaster of mega proportion and they should. But and there is always a but where is the contingency plans in the Obama administration to put this country back on track for the mega disaster our country is facing. Perhaps they should take their heads out of the sand and do a reality check. You need to plug the holes, Obama, yea right, but which one?
From the pen of
K. Treger