The great escape to Fantasy Island
There's a certain electricity in the air, a feel-good vibe, that seems to resonate this time of year.
Not so coincidentally, summer has arrived, and with it comes that certain aura of invincibility we all seem to carry with us.
Maybe it's the glare of the sun as it radiates off our skin, the sight of crystal blue skies, the smell of freshly cut grass.
Whether it's a weeklong vacation, weekend getaways, or merely a poolside seat, the season seems to reinvigorate us.
Having just recently returned from the first in a series of several minivacations, I can certainly vouch for that.
Fortunately for us, our time on the beach was accommodated by warm weather, and was all we could ask for.
The sun was hot, the clouds were few and far between, and the water was cold, yet comfortable.
Gambling wise, not so much. Regardless, it was time away; and enabled us to recharge our batteries.
The time off also allows us to reflect on the important things in our lives, as all too often, we get caught up in the daily challenges life throws our way.
Then again, that's what vacations are intended to do, and why we look so forward to them.
For as much as we appreciate the Great Escape, it would be irrelevant if we didn't have our jobs and responsibilities to return to.
That's why it's important to keep things in perspective and prioritize what's most important in the grand scheme of things.
Much like a scale needs to be balanced to work to its optimum capability, so, too, do our personal and professional lives.
It's essential to be able to separate the two, as they are completely different, both in their nature and scope.
While vacations are terrific, they shouldn't necessarily be at the center of our universe, or the end-all, be-all.
In order for our lives to truly be fulfilled, there needs to be a fine line between Fantasy Island and the real world.
Fantasy Island offers a nice divergence from the norm, but, in the end, it's the real world that pays the bills.
For as much as we enjoy the scot-free nature of Fantasy Island, the reality is that the real world is right around the corner.
After all, vacations will come and go, but the work regiment that has been ingrained in us will harken.
So, go ahead and plot out your next rendezvous, or rejoice as you bask in the glory of your trip to your Fantasy Island.
Just be prepared that when your ship sails in off the shore, the inevitable return to normalcy and the daily routine awaits you.